Thursday, April 23, 2009

M y trip in May2008, to Guilin and Yangshuo village and Longji village

The way to go to Longji village....The path was pretty messy and harsh to pass .Old,creaky woods under your feet on the 200 meter high is not very pleasant.

Back street in Guilin are pretty nice as you can find plenty of handy crafts,art and tea houses to hill out ans enjoy your free time chatting ans hanging with locals when they say Lao wei..Lao wei..

I got a Friend who was mixed Indonesian-French who came for a short vist to China and go to mother land and move back to France.We met in the bust as I can speak some Chinese and live in China without being able to speak Chinese is pain in ass and pretty harsh.Sometimes Lao Wei stuff goes pretty bad and nerds around and try to cheat you ..Anyway I helped her for bust ticket and destination and we passed few days in Yangshou and guilin together.

It was May holiday( CHINESE HOLIDAY) 2007,when I have got a chance to travel to south.I got plane ticket to Guilin . From Hangzhou city to Guilin takes more than one day by train I had just 7 days holiday,so I decided not to destroy my off.

Guilin is the capital of Guangxi province and one of modern cities in China.It has a good reputation for mild climate and unique scenery's and located on Li river.

Being in big cities has never been my intention of trips.I just stayed 2 days in Guilin which apparently was more than enough.There are some places can visit in the city districts ,as a big Elephant trunk hill.That resemble of an Elephant make the river in 2 part with his gigantic trunk,actually nowadays they have made that place as a park and a lot of locals and tourists got here on weekends to rest and wonder around.

Another nice place to go is Reed Flute Park,Situated at a distance of 5 kilometers from the city center, Reed Flute Park, Guilin is one of the popular Tourist Attractions of Guilin. The park features a splendid fairyland of karst caves with landscape and rural surroundings.

There are 77 stone inscriptions inside the cave.
I had decided to go to Yagnshou,There are 2 ways to reach there from Guilin,one with bus which takes 2 hours and another way which mostly people choose is using ferry on Yulong River which is really amazing and worth spending few hours on new lovely ferries.The path on the river we passed through was amazing fascinating green hills with unbelievable shapes and lovely sunshine.

Yangshou is very small village but has quite plenty of small and nice and clean Hostels as so many tourist every year visit there.

I went to a local hostel which has a site on net to book online and the owner was really warm and friendly person we had homemade food all the time and all tourist gather together for food.They have some mountain bikes which you can rent and cycle around.I cycle around 13 km to go to small village around yangshuo .we were a groups of 10 people and we had such a great time.There are some paths which you can cycle and get to the river bank and rent Bamboo's raft and with your bike on it go for rafting ,but remember some seasons are peak time and pretty hard to find an empty one.

Yangshuo is famous for oranges,pomelos,tangerines, sweets and candies.

The time I was in Yangshou I decided to rent a bike and go to another small village around and it took me 4 hours the return way and about 13 kilometer and this road is one of the paths I cycle over that path and realized one way I wanted to go there is no ferry or boat to take me on the other side and i had to go back all the way and choose another directions.

There is another county which is famous for paddy terraced fields which are amazing .

The terraced build in Yuan Dynasty and completed in Qing Dynasty.
The time we arrived there was raining and a big clouds of fog around.That village is famous for their women with uncut hair some of them their hair is almost 2 meters long and even dare to say loner that their height ( approximately150) .They have a performance of washing their hair which is really interesting.Their show is include traditional dance and folk music and calls"dragon Track Show".

There is a Mud cave close to Yangshou which is amazing is located in Longmen village which is 3 kilometers far from Guilin and close to yangshuo

,actually this cave is not so far from town and when you get there ,there are boats which take you inside the cave cause it is on the river and you should have your swimsuit with you cause jumping into mud with clothes is out of mind.Moreover you need to take a guide and torch with you cause it is too ark and long enough to get lost.As well as you need to take care of your head due to having so many stalactite.
Well the mud is pretty clean and like chocolate and then you can take a cold shower there and all the way leaking go to the end of cave and face with a beautiful water fall.This cave build by the time that war started between China and Japan and used in world war II.

Short trip to Moganshan Autumn 2008

Moganshan is very close to Hangzhou .last year I had a chance on weekend go there for a short trip and it is kind of refreshing and relaxing and whenever you want to get rid of hectic life in Shanghai or Hangzhou jump in bus or drive your car and les than an hour you are there.

Moganshan has a great history in Chinese folklore culture.Moganshan was found in 1898 by some foreigners .As They were looking for summer camp and somewhere to pass the hot summers in shang
hai.The Name of "Mogan" comes from a couple who devoted their life for the emperor and came here to work on the swords for battle ,and both of them died here and they were great lovers in Chinese folklors.

There were so many missionaries set their meeting and parties there as it is located on on the hills and enjoy fresh and nice climate.So they built a lot of houses and bungalows there and organized the town style as Western style.

That is very small county and the best things to do there is just get of out of the road on trails and walk around and enjoy the greenish , pure and untouched nature or can rent a bike and cycle around
You can get a bus and reach there and then there is a Lodge there which has some activities you can do there and get a drink and play some game sand rest a bit.there are plenty of small cottages form locals which you can hire and spend time there,but you need to negotiate first and cut the price.

It is really mind blowing and refreshing when you want to enjoy tranquil and peaceful and untouched nature.
I was talking for a short time with one of the locals.The day I arrived it started to rain ,but in fact it add the beauty there and nothing missing form that.