Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 17, 2010

Saturday July 17, 2010:

It has been couples of days living with my parents without Wijb.
We had to buy his ticket to Ireland a few days earlier than our expectation, as all tickets for the date we were planning were sold out.Wijb had to pay a bit more even though.

During these couple past days, I was working hard to make copies and emails embassy and send documents to be translated. Anyhow, as every single Iranian knows things in Iran always been complicated and put big stone in front of you. I would say “another milestone” in my life.

Translation place has been making excuses till now about Iranian marriage certificates that we have got in Holland from Iran embassy.I need them to show as marriage documents.
Irish embassy just accepts English translation of stuff and we married with Dutch regulation and apparently I am the only one here with this particular problem.

The only good news is Wijb as got a nice place for us and I have seen the pictures. It is one bedroom cozy house, close to the city center, tram, bus routs with a lovely small back yard which is particular for me. Moreover, close to Wijb’s work place.

I do feel he has been working these few days over there to make essential things for starting work properly and efficiently.Having a meeting with manager and starting work on Monday can be called another good beginning, hopefully.

July 4, 2010

Sunday July 4, 2010:

Yesterday we went to have a pizza and some milkshake in our department store, called Markaze-Tegari.This place for who used to live in Sharak is so familiar and brings up memories as well.

Price of products and even food products has incredibly increased .I was telling Wijb, here in Iran people live with Euro price, but income for so many is still Rial in fact.

Wijbren during these few days has noticed high inflation in Tehran, as we go to the supermarket or some other place to get some food or drink.

Yesterday Wijb got his ticket to Dublin. The interesting part is few days ago they mentioned they had empty seats on the plane and price was duable, but just after 3 days the whole flight was packed. So, we had to buy another flight 3 days earlier and more expensive one.
Now, after coming back from Shiraz trip Wijbren can just stay another 2 days in Tehran. Time really flies so fast.

These days we are planning got to the Alborz Mountain; in fact the based camp in Tehran, a local, traditional place on the bottom of Alborz range. Truly, I would like to escape from heat of Tehran, and as far as I am concern Wijb likes mountains, rivers and streams.

July 1, 2010

Wednesday July 1, 2010:
Back home after years:

It has been 4 days passed from our arrival. Our flight was so long and irritating. We flew from Beijing via Urumqi to Tehran.
In fact instead of 8 hours, took us 12 hours on board.Urumuqi is the capital on Xingjian anonymous region in China, located on North West of the country.
Anyhow, by the time we arrived was almost 10.30 p.m on Saturday evening. My mum and dad were waiting for while. It was such an unforgettable moment for me after 4 years seeing my parents so happy and excited.
We had spent these couple of days organizing our staff and getting used to living here.Theran weather is so hot nowadays and wearing uniform and scarf make it worse. Pollution is pretty high though.
I have missed home-made cooking and it has been such a pleasant time to eat Iranian dished after a while.Wijbren, loves Iranian food and especially snacks and cookies, such as Sohan, Baglava and Pistachio.

We have been spending some times in parks and some places close by in Sharake-Gharb.Wijbren and I was both been pretty busy to organize some stuff.
I have already booked our trip to Shiraz .I is hopping it works out well and show Wijbern the history or Old Persian Empire, which presumably is part of dignity and pride of all Iranians.
Changing Chinese money and connecting to the internet and get a new mobile line, as all are simple thign is such pain in butt here.

Being far from home in years means you have forgot so many things further more, things have got more complicated or much more annoying in some points.
The funny part is during thee few days I have had few times problems with money and recognizing the correct amount of it, meanwhile we were doing some shopping’s!.
Everything, is so expensive and inflation in Iran is unbelivable.Things are three same value of Euro but payments and incomes are according to Rial (Iranian currency) is great isn’t it!
My Dad wanted to present a suit for Wijb because of our marriage so, we went to Hakupian, which is the most fashionable stylish hand made suits for men design, here.
I am planning to show Wijb some museums in the North of Tehran and possibly we go to the bottom of Alborz Mountain to have a picnic there.

June 26, 2010

Saturday June 26, 2010,
Today is the last day of our stay on Wednesday in China. We arrived in Beijing on Monday and it was such a peasant flight, and then had to rush to the embassy to stamp the visa for Wijbern.
By the time, we got there was almost noon and surprisingly we received a very polite and homely attention and got the visa shortly. If I knew that for the beginning we could stay shorter in Beijing.
Anyhow, I had Dutch exam in Embassy on Wednesday. From my childhood I have had always fear for examinations. So far thing got much better after receiving the test result. I had to stay in embassy for a while and tempted and irritated. I passed with a very good mark and I am really delighted of 4 months spending time and effort on Dutch language.

As a matter of fact, I missed some part of exam due to bad connection via phone with examiner. I didn’t like oral exams on the phone in a long distance which is annoying and it was computer on the other side, so they never give you enough time to think, recap or either any hesitation.
We had 2 more days to rest in Beijing and do final shopping in fact.
I am really pleased of my stay around 7 years in China, met my husband 2 years ago and travelling to so many countries before and after wards, my English rapidly improved; I have had a respectable job, but I must confess, we both have done what we wanted form here and before it gets ore annoying living here it is a time to eave peacefully.
I am so happy after years going back home to see my family share moments with them, especially dad sickness is a matter.
I am hopping soon plans work for going to Ireland and visa process and things work out as we planned, because I and Wijb scarified so many things till now and caught things as well for something better and different.

June 20, 2010

June 20, 2010;
Today, is our last day staying in Xian? I have been working here for one and half year. Couple of months ago, we decided to make our mind eventually and notify school for our absence in next term.
Wijbren persistently was looking for a job in both Holland and Ireland to see how things work.
I have been studying Dutch relentlessly as well. I am actually ready for Dutch state exam holding at embassy 3 days from now. In order to get permanent visa for Dutch states; I have to pass that exam first.
We have had so much tension and streets due to getting job on time and plans for furutre.Hopefully, if everything works, a job agency offered a vacant position as advertising and co-operation between Ireland and Nederland’s in his agency for Wijb.He had to have 3 interviews in row and eventually reached t an agreement. After the first relief ,I have been working hard to find out some courses somehow related to my major and reserved some places up to be able to get into in Ireland.
These couple of weeks working hard to finish the course at University as soon as possible and handover the documents, negotiations and punishments which we had to pay for our resignation is not easy to pass through.
Anyhow, it is the last day here, and tomorrow early morning we are heading to the airport with the earliest flight get into Beijing and heading towards Iran embassy to apply for Wijbren visa.
He and his family panicky passing the times are not sure how safe Iran could be for Wijbren.I feel bad and down and worried as well. It is his first trip and I would love to show places to him and my family, impatiently are counting for our arrival. I have been home for 4, entire years.
I have just told them his time; I have to stay few months to get hopefully Irish visa, which has its own process and storyline.We are sending Wijb by the June 16 or 17 to Ireland and hoping he can send over the documents as sponsorship for accommodation and job security for me and then me an able to apply for visa.
I have to sort out stuff in Iran and get ready for my next challenge in life though.

June 10, 2010

June 10,2010:

By this time, last year we were dealing with marriage documents and preparation. I was counting down to receive the news from embassy in order to precede my visa.
These couple of few weeks has been literally tough and harsh for both of us.
Wijbren is looking for a job and back in Europe. As a bad luck or bad timing it is matched with aftermath of crises with EU currency and Greek debts disaster which has a great effect on whole entire EU members.
So far, he has been interview by couple of recruiters, but unfortunately time is limited for us and situation is hectic.
We have decided to visit Iran finally and I am hoping soon see my parents after four years and sort out my life over there (partly left behind in Iran)
I am going to make it work this time and come back to finish my contract and live separated from Wijb which was not an easy decision, but there is no other choices, keep finance in balance and let it works in an easy way.
Ireland and Holland are two options we are thinking, and in meantime we are injecting extra classes for university to end up at least a week or two earlier in order to get visa for Iran.

June 9, 2010

June 9, 2010:
It is almost end of another semester at University.
From couple of days ago traffic has changed and streets at least the ones around us are much more organised.Yesterday, after I had finished my extra teaching classes at noon, I noticed there were couple of polices, controlling the traffic.
Everthing seemed to be very pollished, organised and no noises around,which is so impressive here!.

Firstly, I thought the sever control and protection might be due to holocaust and school scandal, happened couple of months earlier in some cities.

As this area is severely controlled by government, because of university and official communities where we live, including some schools inside.
Anyhow, today some clues pop-up.As a matter of fact, it is another year and season for Universities entrance exam, which is called “Kaogao” in Chinese.

To me, the time I was attending and preparing for University’s exam is still so clear and bright. I can definitely describe it well with a bit embellishment, in fact.It has been so many years passed from that time, but I bet it was a nightmare for all us even great students.This condition called in China “Fate of your future life”.

Yesterday, more than millions of students attended in examination and parents waiting for the result .Some they were praying in temples and burning incence,litting candles, waiting for the time the kid’s get out of hell or hall of exam.
There is so much pressure, expectation and enforcement coming through parents, as all of them want a better future in such a competitive society.

Recently, the number of students from rich middle- class families who can jump out of this fuss and afford to go abroad for further study has expanded.

There is a beautiful article which describing the bitter truth of Chinese education system so far: