Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tuesday 2 February:

Tuesday 2 February:

After we have finished the stuff related to wedding preparation then on Saturday afternoon things turned to be much of a relaxing time. Me and Wijbren, spent the whole Sunday with the family and played some board games and I was able to finish my pictures downloads on Face Book and things some how sorted out.
We went for a coffee and nice drive to another town and visit Wijbren’s grand parents which were a kind of surprise for them to see us and say we are married.
In fact, they can’t speak English even a word, but it was just a bit respect to be there for a short time.

Monday, we were so busy as in the afternoon we went to Groningen city, where Wijbren spent few years at university there and renew his driving license and we got some passport photos, in fact the receptionist was a friend of an Iranian who married here and I could talk on phone with her about our Islamic marriage in the Hague.

Then we found out some books to learn and practice Dutch a bit, which seem to me really good.
Moreover we meet Wijbren’s friend and his girlfriend and spent couple of hours eating and drinking and a bit shopping. Actually, those people were pretty nice and had reasonable English one working as physics in a company and another one as a clerk in art and entertainment center. They have pretty pleasant and nice job and life, which I hope one day me and Wijbren will have.
Today, I have had my dentist and it took me, one hour spending there and 4 teeth done. I still have another session for dentist in fact.
In the end of the day we must pack and get ready for Hague trip in fact.