Sunday, January 24, 2010

Friday 11 November:

Wednesday November11,

The weather has totally change a massive change.Inititally the temperature has dropped more than 10 degree in less than a day and at nights reach to minuses.

This morning when we woke up to get ready for classes, while I was walking to our department which is just a 15 minute walking distance I realized squeaky, cracky sounds of flurries under my feet and in less than hour we handsome hails and I was telling my students about the city (Tehran) where I grew up and switched the topic to the weather and how much climate has changed or effected somehow.

Besides, today we had the first snow fall in November in Xian; which is after being 5 years in South west of China full of rain and storms, now we are back to a cold weather in winters like Tehran (capital of Iran).

October 15, 2009

October 15th:
It has been quite long time, over than some decades that scientists are warning, environmentalist are unveiling disastrous, shocking news about our environment.

They try to express and tell us, all of us what is happening before than it gets too late. But the question is who is responsible for all these?

Maybe in this century one of the hottest social news is talking about environmental issues.

A lot of people believe that we are reaching to highest capacity of population on earth; a lot believe no one is responsible and nothing can do about it!

Every other day, as we glance on the news we see some specious are in danger or die out, Ice bergs and glaciers are melting incredibly fast due to over doses of carbon dioxide and other cemicals, casued by mainly factories.

As the estimation shows, every year we are sending million tons of green house gases into our environment.

We buries and fuel our wastes in the soil, in the sea and anywhere out of our site, but when the results appears as sever earthquake, landslides, hurricanes, floods, then wondering why we have too many natural disasters in this century?!

What is happening to the earth?

Producing and producing, being too fast forward without any protection, or possibly being so ignorant to all things around and forget about nature, followed by cause all kind of pollutions that we face today. Air, noise, water and land pollution.

It is good to see how industry develops and economy gets richer and better, but in what value?

Value of destroying our nation and next generation’s life? Cost of putting a big question mark in front of so many questions which can’t give any reply to our children and future generation?
Who is responsible for all these?
It would happen one day as we are making a modern, industrial life, so eco system must follow up and back up naturally with all these changes?
Well, it is too brutal and easy to handover the responsibility to others.

To sum up, what is unveiling and happen now is all of us responsibility.
It is an awareness and warning to what we do, each of us in any position that we have to take care and protect the nature and literally our lives and next generations.

event on October time

Events on these past 2 days,so far:

Yesterday we got plenty of stuff for possibly the last or one before last soup of the year .
I intended to exchange my engagement ring as well we both find out something amazing which by the time that Wijbren bouth me a ring was not in the market. So far the trade went fairly well and I have got a new ring!.

Today ,after we received the phone call from tailor, we got my wedding dress as soon as I tried it ,I felt it is pretty much what I wanted and was so fantastic, elegance on my body ,moreover I have got some jewelries which suits the dress in addition as well.

Moreover we had a nice Christmas Dinner with bunch of sea food s and hot pot style of exclusive Chinese dishes ,including filling and desserts in our common buffet place .

Out of the blue when we were unleashing our scooter a Chinese guard showed up as usual I thought he wants to make stupid conversation with foreigner ,but despite my anticipation he saw our wedding dress’s box and came and said in Chinese: “Gongxi Gongxi” which means congratulations based on a big events in a life .

In fact, he went further, and tried to complimenting us by saying a good choice and I am pretty and so on.!

Then few meters before we reached to our flat ,we came across with the headmaster of our department and almost the same type conversation went further.
I still don’t know if this time I am able tog et Eu visa, and feeling nervous as otherwise all plans and shopping and everything which is already set there and here will be fucked up!/

Anyhow sometimes news travel so fast and hard to keep for the right moment.

Concert in Xian

Yesterday was another nice Tuesday particularly, as we were invited by University’s department to a very famous concert due to New Year occasion.

The concert took about 2 and half hour and the first part was a Solo Japanese female musician and second part was another famous Chinese violinist male with accompany of piano, and that was terrific and so fascinating.

I did enjoy attending in classical concerts and stage acting theater a couple of times, while I was working in Hang Zhou city .I must say they have pretty much good quality of concert halls in China.

Well, so far China has a great reputation of Asian theater and stage acting and Chinese operas, but auditorium is pretty nice and exclusive which really impressed me here and before back in Hang Zhou and Beijing as well.
The tickets for concert are pretty expensive and just made for first class citizens.
The concert that we have been invited was almost 90 Euro which in Chinese currency is really expensive for middle class citizens so far.

To my surprise, I have noticed so many couples came along with their offspring in order to encourage them to classical music and see one of their famous musicians which was fantastic action from them, in fact.
In mean time I was drooling in my dreams and was impressed with the music and their great performance, remembering how much my dad was trying to encourage me as a child to play violin; took me to concert and put classical music beside my ears on bed time. Actually, it was part of bed time stories. Now I am really proud of my family of what they really did for me, especially during the war time in Iran back to 25, 6 years ago on that gloomy, murky time of finance and corruption and ill economy system.
They have spent their own weekends, flourishing and feeding my artistic talents through music, art, sports and languages, which were tremendously expensive and exclusive those times.


How much travelling is effective, and constructive in your life?

What I am sure now is whatever we deal with and tackle in our childhood is like curving on a stone and pretty much comes back and illustrated your future life, soon or late you will see the result.
This is pretty hard to judge and claim or make it as a controversial issue for everybody; indeed, but I can say for sure how much effective was for me and my life nowadays.

I was kind of isolated and reserved person when I was a kid. Hardly, I had just a few friends around and that was all.

I would prefer to creep inside of my mind and imagine things and create my own games. I was pretty busy with my visual art, as Music and paintings had no sister or brother and basically my Mum was the best and closest friend that I had.

As the matter of fact, my art activities and solitary games, which I was enjoying in my childhood, were the best healing for my mind and constructing my mind for future.
It is not comparable with my life nowadays after teenager hood time, at all.

When I finished high school and chose art as major, things widely changed in my life and I was a very talkative, fairly sociable person and discovered how much I do love traveling.
Started having, exhibition and having intensive interview so many times for my art shows and was totally confident and relaxed to make proper touching, speech in front of screen.

October National Holiday

October first, Thursday;

Today is the first official day of National holiday in China and especially this year has more effect as it is the 60th anniversary of republic of china.

It is great to see the ambience of city and streets during the holidays as everywhere is kind of idle ,tranquil and peaceful you can breath easier and not that much traffic and honking horn and noise pollution hit your face.

Hu jin tau ,The Chinese president made a big ,foppish speech on Tiananmen square in the center of Beijing ,talked about opening- up policy and socialism. The development and the progress during these 60 years in china, in which is a truth in fact.

But actually if we go back before opening doors to thee world and making free trade, China was almost around 30 years was struggling after referendum of Chairman Mao who is the symbol of freedom from capitalism and bring republic to china.
As a matter of fact you can feel how fundamentally china has been changing , particularly during the last decade.

This is the sixth year that I have been living in China and this year as last October me and Wijb decided not to go on trip anywhere and save the money for January, as winter holiday possibly go to Europe again and plans for marriage eventually and hopefully.

Anyhow we have a-7 more day holiday and I have to go back to work earlier than Wijb as I presume from the news which I have heard.

Recently I am using my time to do something especial with painting .In fact from picture and memories from Germany and Holland to create character and make them alive by drawing on the paper and add colors. So I am luckily in mood of painting and I am so delighted about it.

Today I was in middle of a sketch from Wijb’’s face and then have decided to add some color to my preliminary well-done sketch.
It is a good feeling for an artist when try to transfer her/his mind and feeling in the paper and communicate with audiences ,but not this feeling is elusive. As far as I know myself maybe others similar to me, as in a period of time I am so impulsive and obsessive to do something what ever it could be and it needed to be done, it must be ended, otherwise my days go hell and monotonous.
It doesn’t need to be very foppish masterpiece, it can be some idyllic black and white charcoal style sketches, but it talks to me and gives me motivation how to expose inside of myself.

Writing a horror story:

October 22,
Writing a horror story:

My feeling after seeing the most outrages, deisgusting, fearful scenery:
I could call myself self-confidence, self-assure, or hope not too self-center, but somehow that make sense.

I have noticed my writing from clunky, disorganized sentences has reached to proper daily sorties, which I can proudly post them on my blog, but still need to work on and pretty long way to go. I can be inspiration, determination, atmosphere, hardworking, insisting are keys of success in general.

Sounds a bit outrageous as what you think and it is in your mind and how to present and expose it to the public.
Writing sorties is not an easy job, neither for natives nor none.

Wijb has an instinct feeling or talent to write some thing down, but I didn’t like writing couple or years ago. Now my ego has grown up so fast, so I am overwhelmed with what I read through novels and how present what I think on the paper.

Sometimes your brain is going to detonate as you hear and feel a sudden unexpected circumstance.

It started on a rainy, dark doomed night in one of autumn nights when I was alone at home.
While I was slouching on the coach and enjoying me, suddenly, and harsh sound and some unusual craggy faces popped up from the wall, crawling

It was the most utmost incident which ahs happened in my life, I was terrified and frozen and my face color turned to pale and couldn’t move. I was truly terrified.

I couldn’t recognize what it was possibly can call that a ghost, zombie with reddish eyes or hollows and lofty hair…
Well I keep the rest for reader how would you like to continue this story. I might be back on the next blog with some other ideas to end this unfinished story...
Halloween is coming and could be an entertaining to write down, put horror music and watch good thrillers.

October 8,Thursday

Recently as I have had along break from work I have had a great excuse to spend couple of hours playing PS2 games besides my arts as a hobby which if I am in mood I will go for that first.

One of the games I have been fascinated by is fatal frame1 and now I am going to play the second one.
In fact I don’t like violence or beating and kicking which means most of those Japanese fancy games which are covered by all these actions are not my type of games to go for.

But, luckily there are couple of those which go through stories like for instance “Escape from monkey Island “which shows a retired peaceful mind light hearted-pirate who fell in love with the governor’s daughter and married her and the story follows up by so much adventures and puzzle in the game needed to be solved.

Another game is fatal frame which expose a beautiful scenery of a huge Japanese mansion where is haunted by ghosts, more likely scary and gloomy ,dark, damp and creepy area, but not violence .

It is talking about ritual and voodoos and exorcism and the good part is you need to practice your patience and be bold enough not to scream in meanwhile killing ghosts other wise you cant finish the game ,simply. Farther need to solve pretty much mini –puzzles tog et more score for higher level
.I do love the parts which I need to find out the puzzle and most enigmatic parts in the game.


She tripped in the mansion and knocked down couple of times with traumatic injuries by ghosts and especial power and needs to find a way to survive. there are some ways in each state as she can be animated from unanimated by drinking sacred water and other tools ..and she made a lot of interrogations how and what happened to that famous Japanese family and how brutally they have been murdered and felonies and crimes been unveiled to her during the process sing of higher level of game.

Sunday time!

Sunday time!
A big unexpected feast on Saturday lunch, with a nicely cooperation video game, it makes everything as perfect that it should be.
It was a great cooperation without fighting and pissing each other off in the end.
There is couple of Ninja Games which I am getting into them so much.

Actually, they are nice and particularly the second one, which uses a bit more advance tools and more you can do in the game and tolerable, but all is about being patient which is a great exercise and good activity indeed.

Today is another Sunday and it is snowing lightly.
Personally, don’t like watery, heavy snowfall as it doesn’t stand on the ground and melts immediately, then it makes you completely soak as soon as you get out.
It is the second snow fall during this week so ar which is amazing.

I am wondering that tomorrow afternoon we might have a chance to make our snow man, even wijb prefer to sit at home and enjoy hot drink, by all means.

Wijb has made two beautiful long hanks of peanuts for birds to come around and eat.

Feeding birds in winter is a great, marvelous attitude, but we haven’t seen any.
I am wondering supposing Chinese have made some birds´ trap to catch them for their lunch; well, they eat everything no offence.

South Park:

October 12 Monday,
South Park:
Here there is another American comedy based on real events in Americans´society. It has 13 seasons screen shots in total that we have been trough from the end to the beginning.

“South Park” is a mouth-watering comedy, which shows the colorful life in South Park in Colorado.
All venues are happening in an atmosphere, inclding being abducted by aliens or putting different nations as Jews, Inidans, Muslems and Irish like Kyle small adopted brother, under criticism and questions.

The show is based on the short film by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, "The Spirit of Christmas".
There we have a starter who T.V series is spinning round is ‘Carmen_ a fat, obnoxious, racist, rude, obnoxious, sadistic four grade kid on the other hand, we have “Kyle” who is an iconic Jewish kid.

This T.V series give so much sense if you go deeply trough cause it has been made after the real news happened and comes through news then in less than a week goes under the cast hand to make it and represent it to the public.

Some episodes are initially kind of too bitter and disgusting to see, such as choosing some stars or politicians and appear their private life, like puppet dolls and citizen which are not really my best of interest.
In fact, this sitcom has been made by very high quality of variety and animation is pretty nice and colorful and character are include stable and main character and some random ones. The stories give you a bitter laughter, supported by dark humor theme, but even that it has a lesson.

Sunday November 22, 2009:

Sunday November 22, 2009:

These recent days were totally outrages and mind throbbing, well guess what.

My poor Wijb has got a bad flue. That’s obvious flue is flue, but we have a severe, fragile situation in this city and our campus which is Swine flue around and you never know who has who doesn’t.
The health care system in China is untidy and not advanced at all, there is no precaution either.
Frankly is not god to be in quarantine and it would affect our life as we are two here and work limitation moreover would come next.

In general, I have a very bad impression about cold and flue; still remembering when I was too young and how my mum used to prevent or cure the flu.
Frankly, I don’t like flue as it is a very primitive disease but affect your body immunization and make you ready to get more sever disease in fact.

Luckily herbal drugs not required hard challenge to find in China.
Anyhow we had to cancel our dance class on Wednesday.
I proposed about dace class to Wijb as I knew he wouldn’t dare to say and reluctantly want to go.
The whole last week was after snow time and incredibly cold at nights, particularly sitting on scooter for half an hour would be torturing.

Friday we had a date to get in the city center and it was almost 4 hours walking ups and downs from one to another to find something reasonably nice and good priced and good looking.
I am so ecstatic to see my size is prefect for Chinese dresses, as in East Asia the sizes are incredibly small and women here have no hips and tights!
It is a lame day and last day of weekend. We have reached to almost precise ideas what to do for wedding dress without any turbulence in mind so far.


Wednesday November 2009,

Yesterday, I was off from work and we were planning to go to the Silk Market to have a look around. The option was to choose something ready made or find a tailor to make it for me a wedding dress.

No complain, but it took me weeks to think about it; finally I couldn’t convince myself to wear a Chinese handmade IPO.
No offence, but it is a bit weird, as I am not Chinese and It might be nice to have Qipao for night dress but not for wedding.
Personally, I think it is not elegance enough as a Wedding dress and I prefer fluffy dresses, even for one night, which supposed to be one night in our life for ever to keep the memories and traditions.

We agreed to go back to some more Wedding shops. We passed by some, the other days and see what we can get, though.

All the process took us less than an hour, and there were few wedding shops and studio and they came up talking to us and we could respond wisely in Chinese and asked us about Wedding tradition in West and Iran.

So far we found out maybe after we have our own album made there (In Holland) hopefully, we might be able to make something nice here but that’s need a precaution and thinking.

I was so excited to find something nice style and lovely in my body, really suit, and moreover the model was not ordinary and common, with a very reasonable price less then 200 Euro with all accessories including. I am just so happy all about it and count down till day it will be ready to try.

Life in Asia and East Asia as we are here is easy, prices much cheaper than Europe and if somebody is patient enough learning the language and start doing some business, might have a great lovely life though.

November 14

Try to make stories from these sentences:

I was trying to write down some random sentences to help my students writing ,but somehow my unconscious mind is trying to drag me down to write a story out of these ,possibly it takes long time to pass form this stage.

luring into the documents to find out the truth…

It was totally dark and murky, he could hardly breathe while he was sniffling , snorting and hearing his heart was throbbing, suddenly….

In the one of excruciating cold winter nights they have decided to drive around the town and find a nice bar to hang out, wind was hauling and they had to peer to be able to get the keys inside the car handle’s lock ….

It was such a foppish, elegance speech,…

He could say anything to the parents he knew that they would say no to him, just said to her we much elope somewhere we can be together…

They claimed they have arrived first there and totally were discriminated the indigenous minorities,….

The prosecutors alleged a life sentence for him ,cause of his major crimes as he confessed reluctantly in the court…

Tuesday November 3,

Tuesday November 3,

How we can be a good parents and how parenting is important!
Being a good parent means what?

In fact some think as long as you provide a shelter and breeding them and sending to the school the rest is teacher’s responsibilities.

Others say that they don’t see their children that much and have no time to spend with them which is very common and unfortunately destructive to build a child’s personality and character for future.
Nowadays a lot of parents have less time than before to spend with their children or use take care system.

In fact even from the early age after born a baby and toddler is grasping things by watching and saving in his unconscious mind. It is hard to distinguish when and how to treat and teach kid’s good and bad things.

Some parents still believe eon physical punishment as the best way of thresatenening and making a positive discipline or refer it to older generation.

On the other hand, some others give their kids so much freedom and say they learn it by themselves. Actually, make their own job pretty easy, in some ways, but later on when it comes to some disobediences and misbehavior try to find a clue and hint on society, school, friends, others but not on themselves.

But the question is what we can do and how?
I do believe that kid’s understood as much as an adult and express it in a very deferent way.
If a child does a bad action and does some thing wrong, could be they best try to solve and find they way what was his/her desire and what he wanted to say and show by doing that and talk to kid in his own childish language and instead of putting them under guilt and pressure, try to find the best solution with them.

Most of the time kid’s do something to draw attention, some times they have been neglected and some other times they are suffering for a deep emotion, such as sadness, depressed, annoyed and being lonely.

So we find it then we can easily come with best hint.
Moreover, instead of killing their actions can lead them to direct way, from indirect leading them.
Maybe we can call it” discipline without disgrace”.
Is never late to tell kid’s you love them and hold them tight in meantime. Always listen to them and some times whisper advice in their ears. They love it. Try to build self –worth and self-confident inside them.
I do belive everybody can be a great parents.

Sunday November 1, 2009:

Sunday November 1, 2009:
What do I think about modern, over educated women and their personal life?

I was reading an article which was about how elite women decide to resign from their even upscale, ideal jobs due to taking care of their kids.

I am still not a parent, as for me and my partner Wijb can have plenty of time to spend on each other, doing our hobbies and work as well.

In fact our jobs, as a teacher at university is pretty light job, occupied us for couple of hours per week. I call it “our lucky time of our life”. I know it won’t be for ever like this I don’t want it at least for him.

In fact, I think instead of he stays at home and play computer games and does his other hobbies, which I respect and support him for now, he can have a full time job and financially keep us more secure for unknown far future, although we are happy now and have enough to save then.

Anyhow, to be an educated, independent woman, sometimes I think deeply about whenever having a child and doubly I might not be able to do both tasks very well.

It is an instinct, platonic love toward kids and family which grows in a certain time of motherhood, presumably.

In order to take care of baby well which obviously consume couple of first years full attention from mum, rather than having a babysitter, not spending enough time for kid and family, or not having time to cook properly, no decent food, not be able to have a fun conversation on the phone and at the same time change baby’s nappies or do something’s else at the same time, cause not having enough time for anything, and just get microwave, warm up dishes which tastes cranky.

I don’t want to exaggerate the situation, but that’s what I have seen and what for years my mum did, unfortunately.

I am trying to do in different way for my kid and try to escape form that guilt of my conscious mind of missing work as I have done it for years.

On the other hand we have a kind of guilt of not working outside.
If we do it feel it what I am raised for, studied hard even till now, and get a good ,respected position and why one day I should let it go, for what and in which price?
Is it that we want?!

Almost 2 decades ago not all women needed to work and men were just only breadwinner of the family. I don’t know, but maybe they were happy too.

Nowadays after financial crises and then the recession time; so many women are going back to work dn thry to squeeze their time between loads of long work hours and having child care system and basically half of their salary goes to the pocket of child care companies.

Sunday,Monday , November 08-9 2009

Sunday, Monday, November 08-9 2009

Sometimes there are marky, wague and blur images in your mind which you can’t figure out what is going on and happening in your life and around you.

It is exactly happening in my life nowadays and some of these pictures are solid in my mind.
Somehow some excruciating fear about future life has captured and surrounded me.

Our daily life is thriving smoothly and no creepy ,or huge events happening ,besides from now thinking about organizing and scheming for the marriage ceremony and more important my visa ,meanwhile dealing and sorting out stuff with University end of semester.

I used to think it is pretty is easy, to get married but now I am nervous and worried of whole thing and matters.
Obviously, things need to plan ahead, but the process of documents hopefully be accepted and ratified and after the news for municipal personal things to think and organized.
Somehow dreadful ideas about nothing go wrong.
Hopefully we have Wijb’s parents to help out and organize things ahead.
We are still waiting to hear if all documents are accepted and ratified there and more over what is very vague and irritating nowadays is Swine Flue, which hit our campus at university last month and it was night mare for 2 weeks the school was shut down and everybody freaked out.
Today I discovered again the gate is jammed and a narrow line passing and guards are testing the temperature again.
Well I don’t why always things happen at the same time. I am trying not to be disgraceful and touchy with events but so far hopping for best to happen.

Besides those documents which occupied our mind for couple months and hassles of preparing them for us and families, and so far not sure that everything is fine, worried about Visa to Europe and the last horrifying thing is if school again will be closed for a while.
Well, I don’t want to destroy my national winter holiday be affected by this news and more over on our marriage time.

Sunday Novermber 30th, 2009 :

Sunday November 30, 2009:

Having a short fight yesterday and spending 2 days fuss in pot between me and Wijb, today we had a better feeling and both of us tried in different way to apologize and make it up.
Our discussions are usually for nothing and we fight for small, stupid things, such as a dress or where to go on holiday...

Anyhow, it has been 2 days that I am depressed cause I expected Wijb at least spends half of the money for clothes costs, which I usually pay myself, owing to costing so much, on the contrary he came up with ideas that those night dresses are too luxury and expensive and on and on..

Anyhow, today I paid myself and got them then afterwards felt much better, in meantime he tried to be nice and help me this time cleaning house with getting fussy, craggy face and spend a big bunch of money which some part of it is from his Birthday gift from his Dad buying a new “X-BOX” game.

Men are always men .You can’t change them and we shouldn’t try other wise always discussion appeared for nothing.
At least, I am happy he got something he likes, but I would say he needed to get more nice clothes!
I am really delighted to see the clothes here are in my size, and moreover so fashionable and comparably to Europe pretty cheap and reasonable.


November, 11-12th, 2009:

Another working day but a bit different as nature has celebrated of winter by wearing a proper, exotic white dress.

The first snow started from yesterday while we were in dance class, unbelievably was cold and spine-chilling at the end of our dance class around eightyish the streets were covered but snow and was so amazing and nicely done.

I had a small accident on the steps out of dance class. In china they like making steps and floors with marble and mosaics, which is killer, especially when it rains or snows.

Everywhere was so watery and slippery, I slide down from 4 steps and couldn’t stand, luckily no severe, major injuries but for couple of weeks will have bruises and swollen legs.

Brunches and shrubs fell everywhere it was actually a bit pathetic to see beautiful big brunches are on the floor as the first snow is pretty heavy and watery, so cause of so much for trees.

Walking is a challenge today, as roads are watery and slippery, after and a flurry evening and a cold, frozen, snowy night, morning’s scenery is beautiful and touching to see but need to be cautious. Bushes are covered and hidden by snow.

Some of the kids took advantage and in their break time were making snow man and throw snow ball at each other.

My students were a bit late and luckily I didn’t have the first hour teaching, the way back was wandering around and watching kids playing and saw couple nice, and precise snowman’s which were made artistically.

A short review of Office

October 2,Sunday:
A short review of office:

These nights we have a fever of watching office.
Despite being a complete British style old comedy type with a very strong accent though, we both like it the way it is.

Satirical irony and ridiculous, politically-incorrect humor make this show a hilarious must-watch
It is kind of a bitter comedy shows the reality of the society in England or so many other countries possibly how the briberies and relation ships works and moreover express genuinely much unfair and unbalanced British society between male and female workers ,despite of having a good reputation among a lot of countries or former colonized countries.

As I am getting more and more aware of Western society by reading more , watching movies ,contacting EU people more than past time and the most important thing ,traveling ,seeing the reality behind what looks like or have been told to us from especially The Britain.

Anyhow back to comedy show ,this sitcom ,reveal the manager appears a very component ,genuine person with a big grin all the time and try by teasing and having sense of humor make the office’s atmosphere more durable ,despite being aware of insulting, people and being so racist to gender specifically and other races though.
He tries to ignore the statistic whenever he has a meeting with his boss( owner of the factory, office) and look at her down by saying stupid ,outrageous jokes and kind of being ignorant person.

It is nice to see how people there try to keep their sense of humor and terminally expose it in a witty way.

One part for instance shows somebody non-stop keep calling his colleagues in order to give him a kind of criticizing of buying a very expensive ,unusable phone to disturb him every now and then.

On the other hand somebody has a crush on a married secretary and how the relation ship goes with whispering and sending notes during the working hour.

On the other hand shows the manger assistance which a very isolated ,reserved person who is not able to tie his own shoes alone and without help ,but very good at sucking his boss cock.By exaggeration and nodding all the time try to be so sweet there and everybody hates him.