Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tuesday November 3,

Tuesday November 3,

How we can be a good parents and how parenting is important!
Being a good parent means what?

In fact some think as long as you provide a shelter and breeding them and sending to the school the rest is teacher’s responsibilities.

Others say that they don’t see their children that much and have no time to spend with them which is very common and unfortunately destructive to build a child’s personality and character for future.
Nowadays a lot of parents have less time than before to spend with their children or use take care system.

In fact even from the early age after born a baby and toddler is grasping things by watching and saving in his unconscious mind. It is hard to distinguish when and how to treat and teach kid’s good and bad things.

Some parents still believe eon physical punishment as the best way of thresatenening and making a positive discipline or refer it to older generation.

On the other hand, some others give their kids so much freedom and say they learn it by themselves. Actually, make their own job pretty easy, in some ways, but later on when it comes to some disobediences and misbehavior try to find a clue and hint on society, school, friends, others but not on themselves.

But the question is what we can do and how?
I do believe that kid’s understood as much as an adult and express it in a very deferent way.
If a child does a bad action and does some thing wrong, could be they best try to solve and find they way what was his/her desire and what he wanted to say and show by doing that and talk to kid in his own childish language and instead of putting them under guilt and pressure, try to find the best solution with them.

Most of the time kid’s do something to draw attention, some times they have been neglected and some other times they are suffering for a deep emotion, such as sadness, depressed, annoyed and being lonely.

So we find it then we can easily come with best hint.
Moreover, instead of killing their actions can lead them to direct way, from indirect leading them.
Maybe we can call it” discipline without disgrace”.
Is never late to tell kid’s you love them and hold them tight in meantime. Always listen to them and some times whisper advice in their ears. They love it. Try to build self –worth and self-confident inside them.
I do belive everybody can be a great parents.

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