Saturday, January 23, 2010

It has been quite long time ,over than some decades that scientists are warning ,environmentalist are unveiling disastrous, shocking news about our environment.

They try to express and tell us ,all of us what is happening before than it gets too late. But the question is who is responsible for all these?

Maybe in this century one of the hottest social news is talking about environmental issues.

A lot of people believe we are reaching to highest capicity of poppulation on the earth,a lot believe no one is responsible and nothing can do about it!

Every other day, as we glance on the news we see some specious are in danger or die out, Ice bergs and glaciers are melting incredibly fast due to over doses of carbon dioxide and other cemicals,casued by mainly factories.

As the estimation shows every year we are sending million tons of green house gases into our environment.

We buries and fuel our wastes in the soil, in the sea and anywhere out of our site, but when the results appears as sever earthquake,landslides,hurricanes,floods ,then we are wondering why do we have too many natural disasters in this century?!

What is happening to the Earth?

Producing and producing ,being too fast forward without any protection, or possibly being so ignorant to all things around and forget about nature ,follow by cause all kind of pollutions that we face today. Air,noise,water and land pollution.

It is good to see how industry develops and economy gets richer and better, but in what value?

Value of destroying our nation and next generations life? cost of putting a big question mark in front of so many questions which can’t give any reply to our children and future generation?
Who is responsible for all these?
Me ,you,govenrments,scientist ,no one .
It would happen one day as we are making a modern ,industrial life, so eco system must follow up and back up naturally with all these changes?
Well, it is too brutal and easy to handover the responsibility to others.

To sum up ,what is unveil and happen now is all of us responsibility .
It is an awareness and warning to what we do ,each of us in any position that we have to take care and protect the nature and literally our life and next generations.
The concert took about 2 and half hour and the first part was a Solo Japanese female musician and second part was another famous Chinese violinist male with accompany of piano, and that was terrific and so fascinating.

I did enjoy attending in classical concerts and stage acting theater a couple of times, while I was working in Hang Zhou city .I must say they have pretty much good quality of concert halls in China.

Well, so far China has a great reputation of Asian theater and stage acting and Chinese operas, but auditorium is pretty nice and exclusive which really impressed me here and before back in Hang Zhou and Beijing as well.
The tickets for concert are pretty expensive and just made for first class citizens .
The concert that we have been invited was almost 90 Euro which in Chinese currency is really expensive for middle class citizens so far.

To my surprise, I have noticed so many couples came along with their offspring in order to encourage them to classical music and see one of their famous musicians which was fantastic action from them ,in fact.
In mean time I was drooling in my dreams and was impressed with the music and their great performance ,remembered how much my dad was trying to encouraged me as a child to play violin and took me to concert and put classical music beside my ears on bed time. Actually it was part of bed time stories. Now I am really proud of my family of what they really did for me ,especially during the war time in Iran back to 25,6 years ago on those gloomy ,murky time of finance and corruption and ill economy system.
They have spent their own weekends ,flourishing and feeding my artistic talents through music , art , sports and languages, which were tremendously expensive and exclusive those times.

October2, Sunday

October 2, Sunday:
A short review of office:

It has been few nights we have got fever of watching “The Office”, T.V series.
Despite being a complete British style old comedy type with a very strong accent though, we both like it the way it is.

Satirical irony and ridiculous, politically-incorrect humor make this shows a hilarious must-watch.
It is kind of a bitter comedy which shows the reality of the society in England or so many other countries possibly how the briberies and relationships works; moreover express genuinely much unfair and unbalanced British society between male and female workers, despite of having a good reputation among a lot of countries or former colonized countries.

As I am getting more and more aware of Western society by reading more, watching movies, contacting EU people more than past time and the most important thing, traveling, seeing the reality behind what looks like or have been told to us from especially The Britain.

Anyhow back to comedy show, this sitcom revealing the manager appears a very component, genuine person with a big grin all the time and try by teasing and having sense of humor make the office’s atmosphere more durable ,despite being aware of insulting, people and being so racist to gender specifically and other races though.
He tries to ignore the statistic whenever he has a meeting with his boss (owner of the factory, office) and look at her down by saying stupid, outrageous jokes and kind of being ignorant person.

It is nice to see how people there try to keep their sense of humor and terminally expose it in a witty way.

One part for instance: shows somebody non-stop keep calling his colleagues in order to give him a kind of criticizing of buying a very expensive ,unusable phone to disturb him every now and then.

Truly, somebody has a crush on a married secretary and how the relation ship goes with whispering and sending notes during the working hour.

On the other hand shows the manger assistance which a very isolated, reserved person who is not able to tie his own shoes alone and without help, but very good at sucking his boss cock.By exaggeration and nodding all the time try to be so sweet there and everybody hates him.
The second day of break time. I was wondering today that it has been quite long time that I haven’t done any painting.
Sometime when I check Face book I see some friends doing art and I am thinking back in time to 15 or even more than that ,20 years ago when, I was doing art so seriously ,even I chose my major in art field .

I have had so many exhibition in Iran and out and I was blossoming so fast forward for my age.
Even back to those time I remembered I was thinking about how lucrative could be my art ,in matter of selling and looking into the market.
I was just 22when I finished the study , and I was working for almost 2 years professionally as watercolorist painter organizing exhibitions in galleries and had customers who were bugging me with calls and hooking on me .I always wanted particularly special artist.
I had just had a chance to enter to fashion field starting doing programmes on T.V as independent designer cause I had had 6 months training in meanwhile studying at university and I was too young for all these.

So what happened then?
Can we call it ,all talent and desired died, suddenly?

Sounds a bit unsecured and hectic.

Well ,sometimes the ideas towards art ,comes back to me .

Back in time ,I wanted to grab and snap the chances. Traveling around Asia or east Asia ,chances to get another job as over seas teacher seeking for a better and different life, finding my soul mate, partner, somewhere else in this world.
Maybe I was so too early for everything in life, a prodigy lost in life.

It has been 2 years that I am back to music ,and from last year I just watched a movie showed a talented boy how he found his way to start his art and how he blossomed at the end, was a warning and sparkle in my life again.

As the time bring chances in life ,I have had a chance to choose in a certain time in my life ,to digest the risk ,get out of country stand on my feet and use my valor to be a teacher and now stand as a professor at university teaching English and working on my languages skills, and on my free time to draw sketches for fashion and paint, or be there, stick to art there which was great back to those period there and seeking for other chances might have happened or not totally blind and veiled situation in front.!?
Sometimes you receive a total condemnation from society which has happened to me back the time in Iran and even in China couldn’t catch chances back professionally to my art, but I do it as hobby though.

Long introduction today I am in middle of creating something new again. Painting something which brings me back memories from summer vacation in Holland.
In meanwhile I was drown in my artistic mood about clothes and new design, just a idea came in my mind which when I READ THE FOLLOWING ADRESSS


An article from The Guardian gave me a surprised stun. Such a coincidence.!

Girls just want to have fun. That was the message from the British designer Luella Bartley at London Fashion Week yesterday, where she unveiled a collection of sweet, colorful dresses and separates with a pop twist.

I was thinking to buy and even maybe design some new ,colorful clothes and now the fashion update goes girly style this year apparently. GOOD news for charming girls.!

Thinking about art ,having artistic mind helps your life to be more colorful and creative and always you have something to do ,to think new……

The Birtish communities

October 5, Monday:

It has been a while form the time watching “The office” the British addition one.
In fact, I like it and look at it with constructive criticism not destructive.
I have written in my last blog about this T.V series and what I do think abot British society.

No offence but, as I am going to Europe and comparing countries and I am living with a Dutch person, as my partner I am kind of wondering so much false positive illusion in Asian and Middle East minds toward the British society.

For instance, we start up with this: First, I was reading some article from the Guardian which I emphasize it is a British newspaper and I was shocked again with this astonishing news:
The UK has one of the highest prison populations in Europe. Moreover the condition of prisons is not in standard level either!

“Twenty-three hours' lock-up would not give me 7% efficiencies:” said the prisoner management. So many tragic news pops up with high rate of crimes, briberies and in Ireland is high rate of corruption as well. In many circumstance the consequence is suicides and the efficiency of these place pretty low.

Second, we compare the rate of jobless, homeless communities which is rising up, especially after financial crises and even worse, so there is no other way to keep it stagnant.

It was another report talking about pay rise taxes 50% by 2012 in Uk, one of the reporter from the Guardian made an interview with an artist and she claimed, planning to leave the country and move to France as social welfare better quality, taking care of artist society in height bad better level and salaries and wage in compare more reasonable.

It is totally a volatile scenario for The Great Britain, besides rebuking I should confess if I would have lived there the first decision I would have made, was leaving.

On the other hand, rising up the retirement age. It is expected that senior citizens must work at least up to age 66 and even more by 2016,which is coming up from the conservative party ,in order to increase the deficit and beneficial cases for government and people.

The health care system, which was for so many years on a good reputation compare to USA ,is not in high rank anymore either, compare to other European countries.

And finally education system is blurring worse than before. I read news which was comparing British undergraduate and over seas students in national examination and the result was kind of embarrassing for UK as the rate of mistakes in grammar, spieling, punctuation among British was so much higher than non-native over seas students which are a shame for British education system.

No wonder it is in this way, as we read and heard about sever, long teachers protest against low salaries, high illogical demand and expectation from parents and further than that over load with work time.

Among EU countries as it is the only native speaking country with highest problem in education and poor quality of service.
As a matter of the fact, the govemrent try to use the constructive way to halt this tremble, but seems to be really harsh for Britain this time to get out of ghastly situation. Moreover, they need a very pragmatic way to resolve these numerous problems.

October 31st, 2009

Saturday, October 31

Today we were both lousy-drowsy and woozy. Well it is explainable after a night out.
Last night we went out to a five star hotel for Wijb’s Birthday and had an exclusive dinner in Buffet.

We have been there for couple of times in different occasions, actually I do love grills and sea food ecepecially.The fact is we had couple of glasses of wine in ages and the result is the next day been lame and tired, at least not hangover.

Moreover, we had a funny accident as passing from the small gate of our place my poor knees were slammed and smashed to the wall cause of sudden stop of scooter. Well Wijb was a bit dizzy though.

Anyhow, I managed just to play tennis, study Chinese and play game for hours which is not too bad for a day rest and be at home.

October 28th,


Who does like and appreciate swearing.
I don’t think anybody go for that.

Well, In fact we are not talking about a daily life talking and chatting with friends and acquaintance and start yanking and scolding them and then ratified as having sense of humor and it was just kidding.

Is it important in a language to use swearing words?
How much swearing is necessary?

A lot of linguistics believe in swears are part of language which make it more colorful and realistic and ear-blowing.

True or not, if you draw more attention to TV shows, talk shows, any comedy channels and theater or drams, you realize how much they might use it and in that way doesn’t seem awkward or clumsy in language, on the contrary seems necessary and it is like seasoning a language though.

In dramas, acting on stage and performances I bet it is necessary. It could consider using in drama because it is part of language and help you to get close to audiences.

In daily life, some people think swearing is a kind of relief form pain, stress, and ignorance. According to psychologist when your mind is blocked and tired and think of any words to say all swear words are still active on your unconscious mind. That’s amazing isn’t it?

But the point is if we have kids around should we control ourselves or not?

Some people say well they will earn it some day themseleves,but the fact is they pretty much copy and imitate what parents do and say and this privilege sometimes cost really hard though.
October 27, 2009,Tuesday:

Today I was a bit lame and hardly could get out of bed.
My bones are painful and seems like being in a wind mill squeezing them, stiff and feel fidget to move.

That is just because of dancing and sweating for an hour and then sitting on scooter enjoy fresh air and nice breeze at 9.30 P.M last night.

You might wonder what was going on last night though.

Me and Wijb went to see the dance class and decided what to do. Actually we did a great job understanding what the registration desk say sand sort out about the class, all in Chinese.

In fact we realized the time for Latin dance is not that much flexible nor so many days per week, so far we have to choose between the last hour of the day, which starts 8.30 P.M and another 6 P.M,a and secessions are three times per week.

Anyhow we registered and paid .That’s the way it goes in China. Sounds pranky!.
They come and talk to you a dn stick to you like lichees.But to be frank we wanted and I do love to go back to much better shape and more exercise.
I felt during the first session wijb is acting a bit awkward.
It was his first dance class and I told him when I started going to proper dance class 4 years ago ,my steps were horrible and out of chronological order as well.

Presumably, he was the only tall foreigner in the class and the only man!

We checked and they told us there are men in other classes and other times and I am hoping for next time as we switched the time ,we meet more people instead of just 5 teeny -tiny ,giggly Chinese girls.

Dance teacher was a small ,awkwardly skinny girl. when she was bending and moving I was thinking her bones going to break. God I have been long enough to see so many short and slim or skinny girls in China ,but what I don’t get is how they survive without food ,in order to be thin!. Such an issue…

I am happy we both do things together and I know Wijb is doing this for me and I would appreciate it.
Hoping one day soon be able together have a great dancing secession.

October 26th, 2010

October 26, 2009 Monday:

Yesterday, Sunday we hopped on the scooter and found out about a dance class in Xian.

Wijbren know how much I am missing and loving dancing.

Before me and Wijb met, couple of year before I found a Latin dance class in Chngsha and I spent 5 months learning 5different Latin dances, which after that due to lack of practice I forgot most ,but practiced one more often.
Possibly everyone is familiar with Salsa dance.

In meantime I was teaching in Hang Zhou there were couple of bars where every weekend was crowded by dance groups and the atmosphere was so hustle and bustle with a mind tempting Latin music and nice cheerful good-looking dancers and couple of nice brandy’s everything goes well.

To be honest, I was so surprised that wjib mentioned about dancing class and got the address from one of his students. Surprised not in matter of why and how, because I know wijb can be cheerful, complusive and obsessive person when the time comes, but I was not sure I can hear that from him.

We had couple of lessons, having practiced Salsa together and he was unsure and a bit stiff and act like a robot, but I think it is just lack of sense confidence or might feel uncomfortable because of his height.

Anyhow, this afternoon we are going to have a dance test’s class and see how that works and I am hopping we sign for a 2 months practice and make us a bit more busy, in a matter of doing different things and especially outside activities.

October 25th, 2009

October 25, Sunday:

What is going on recently is pretty tough and strange to express.
Wijb has always been conscious of eating properly and not too much.

Well, for instance when we came back from Europe trip end of summer we went trough this discussion how many dishes we should order per day.

In fact, I am too conservative about food in matter of being healthy, not too rich in ingredients, especially for summer time, and particularly after coming back from Europe trip, which I as thinking Dutch food and cheese (kaas) are pretty rich and heavy food.

Truly, anywhere you live according to weather and your physical activities you need a certain amount of calories.

Anyhow, we went on kind of diet, or in fact have less food for a month, because I felt always full and heavy to get more dishes .We succeeded to have more exercise by the end of summer.

The point is nowadays as school has started and people are back on business and back to Xian you can find so many vendors everywhere, which are good to get any type of snacks (Xiao chi) which are healthy, but heavy though.
Wijb has started hanging with crisps of sweet potatoes, chunks of red, dried tomatoes and chest nuts and dried bananas which I do like though, but I control not to eat a lot cause have not that much exercise.

In china you can get any type of these kind of snacks even farther you can get kidney, neck, foot, mouth, tongue,…of chicken, duck, buffalo.
Sound to some disgusting or weird and to some people treffic.

October 1st, 2009,,PART2

October first, Thursday;

Today is the first official day of National holiday in China and especially this year has more effective owing to it is the 60th anniversary of republic of china.

It is great to see the ambience of city and streets during the holidays, as everywhere is kind of idle, tranquil and peaceful you can breathe easier and not that much traffic and honking horn and noise pollution hit your face.

Hu Jin tau, The Chinese president has made a big, foppish speech on Tiananmen Square in the center of Beijing, Having talked about opening- up policy and socialism. The development and the progress during these 60 years in china, in which is a truth in fact.

But actually, if we go back before opening doors to thee world and making free trade, China was almost around 30 years was struggling after referendum of Chairman Mao who is the symbol of freedom from capitalism and bring republic to china.
As a matter of fact you can feel how fundamentally china has been changing, particularly during the last decade.

This is the sixth year that I have been living in China and this year as last October me and Wijb decided not to go on trip anywhere and save the money for January, as winter holiday possibly go to Europe again and plans for marriage eventually and hopefully.

Anyhow, we have a-7 more day holiday and I have to go back to work earlier than Wijb as I presume from the news which I have heard.

Recently, I am using my time to do something especial with painting .In fact, from picture and memories of Germany and Holland creating character and making them alive by drawing on the paper and add colors. So I am luckily in mood of painting, besides I am so delighted about it.

Today I was in middle of a sketch from Wijb’’s face and then have decided to add some color to my preliminary well-done sketch.
It is a good feeling for an art follower, whenever trying to transfer her/his mind and feeling in the paper and communicate with audiences, but not this feeling is elusive. As far as I know myself maybe others similar to me, as in a period of time that I am so impulsive and obsessive to do something what ever it could be and it needed to be done, it must be ended, otherwise my days turn hell and monotonous.
It doesn’t need to be very foppish masterpiece, it can be some idyllic black and white charcoal style sketches, but it talks to me and gives me motivation how to expose inside of myself.

October 30, 2009

Friday October 30,

Today is Wijb’s Brithday. It is his second Birthday from the time we met and start our relationship.

In fact, last year it was just a month we knew each other and by that time we moved on to live together and I would thinking that’s the best could happened by that time, still I had got him a nice wall paper paintings he told me he loves these things so much.
For this year as we are engaged and I do care for him so much and still I don’t have too much money to get exclusive things for him.

So far, I was thinking to treat him to an exclusive restaurant and had a Birthday cake and songs from the whole staff for him there include a wooden special photo frame which he can put my picture there in his work desk for ever hopefully.

Moreover, I sent him in early morning an E- Birthday card as he turn on his laptop he could see it and wrote some special things for him.

The first things worked so well and he loved it.

the differences between genders

It has been an issue between men and women how take their role as a good parents at home especially. I don’t want to patronized the situation and exaggerate it but somehow the reality is, as most studies and estatistics shows there are few fathers who accept to level their job or accept the flexible job in order to have enough time to take care of their children and spend more time with them.

On the other hand as the life goes toward more modernization and facilities so many thing has been changing compare to last generation .

Even if we don’t go back so far ,possibly look back 30 years ago and now ,we can see men are becoming more flexible and not be terrified to share house works and accept more responsibilities toward kids and family care.

In my opinion what do we need is society take care of this issue more seriously ,as it is happening in some countries to set paternity leave instead of two weeks to four weeks.

I am wondering how that works between us me and Wijb and could be he enough responsible as I want to be ,to leave his job or get more freedom to take care of our child one day?!

October18th, 2009

October 18, Sunday

Yesterday night was our movie night with some friends.
We met 2 guys, one of them couple of months ago and the other one last semester in a local restaurant. These 2 are students now studying their master degree and one used to teach English at university so far.

Anyhow, once we were talking about horror movie and “Ring “ and they asked us to watch some Japanese’s horror movie together as they have a great reputation of genuinely being scary.

Wijb downloaded 2 moives. First was “Garage” and the second called” ? “Which a bit goofy and depressing as the story of the second was just spreading the message of how network system can be a killer of our lives, and in fact we become isolated from society and no friends around despite computers and the entire society goes through annihilation till end of life?
Personally, I do like watching horror movie, but not Japanese type. Both were doomed and grimed.
Garage was one of those typical stereotype horror movies which make hell out of your guts.

The story was zoomed in one Haunted house where a terrible tragedy of domestic violence had happened there long time ago. Basically the maniac beast murdered his entire family and the son was observing his mum death before his.

The were 2 ghosts handing around the house one him and another his wife and some time kid show up, and intensively torturing the people to death who go or live in that house till they die gradually by mocking and showing up with disgusting, bloody appearance.

Main point was that its sequences were going forward and backward in time and in fact it was working on your brain to distinguish were we are at the moment of watching.
The child’s ghost was brutal and revengeful, but was good just to one social worker who found out about family’s picture and took care of grandma in the house.

The ghost was torturing the grandma by seeing the scenery and not to be able to speak up.
The story continues for more than a decade and literally never ended, because nobody could get out of the kid’s spirit floating around.

In the end just put the audience in a puzzle and mystery of sorrow and grief for has happened brutialy.At least had an ending somehow.

October 17th, 2009

October17, Saturday:

These days me and Wijb are quite busy, sweeping all kinds big malls for some fall shopping. Sounds a big hectic and ridiculous, but in fact the reality is, shopping clothes or others are a bit different some how difficult in China.

The fact is for me I can find easily all kind of clothes and dresses and even trousers, as I have lost some weights and I am fit, but generally speaking, shopping for all foreigners is hell here. Why?

Well, the first problem is our body size and type is different from Chinese.
Chinese women have no hips, short and too thin, resembling wall, which I presumably can say as a woman is not very sexy and attractive to men.

Chinese men are short and if somebody is a bit tall is chubby too, which means sizes here are not genuine international size at all. Even if, you get a size on something next time that size on that piece of cloth might not be the exact and fixed size, which means you can’t trust on sizes here, indeed.

Secondly, if you are tall here means you need to be fat too! It is outrageous, isn’t it?

Well wijb specifically has so many problems.

Firstly he doesn’t like shopping clothes as so many men in the world. Secondly he is 2 meters and for Chinese means like Giraffe. We hardly can find anything for him to wear. Thirdly he is too picky, and choosy and not impulsive buyer and likely happen not to buy anything at all even if it is his size though.

I am not to be critical and cynic at all, but it is a hard job as his girlfriend to handle all these and spend more time for him rather than for myself to get something new and nice and reasonable .The good part is at least he respect my choose and trust my fashion instinctive we are lucky to find something for him, in the end.

The fascinating part is that he always wants to see me so nice and elegance, and I am wondering sometimes he wants to show off by showing me outside or what, which is a slightly annoying but nice though.

Last time we went to Europe, was summer time; so I could push him to buy some stuff, but literally means nothing, because now we have autumn and winter forthcoming. I do like see him nice and sleek.

October 16th, 2009

October 16, 2009,

Cultural shock for overseas Asian- European:

Today is another glamorous day of our weekend. The weather is just perfect, nice breeze and nice dazzling sun shine.

After hoping on the scooter and going to Metro with Wijb (one of those big mall with imported stuff ) getting a excruciating headache due to terrible pollution, then I decided to be a bit relaxed and write down something.

I was listening to the news and the was a report of problems occurs among European –Asian people and they seem to be unsecure, usually about their marriages and how they stumble somewhere.

I bet it is so frustrating.
I have noticed among some of my friends who are living abroad for year and who are moved there with their family and now have to face different life, totally different.
Maybe for me, I can say I am lucky and that is good part!

There are points which are explaining the bitter reality of life changes for a lot of Asian European, the first or second generation.

The fact is a lot of these families are so conservative and it is so difficult for them to adapt themselves and get changed.

The point is they send their children abroad to study ,get a good job and work and when they are settled and financially completely matured, then it comes to marriage, their expectation from their children is go back to their native country and get a girl or find a boy from there.

In fact, for these people, girls and boys, as they have lived abroad for long time or grew up there, then is too difficult to make a balance and they can’t find a proper person in West and neither back in motherland, cause they learn and see things as works in different ways and they are carrying 2 cultures.

If they find somebody, open-minded and overseas girls, they are totally independent which means don’t want give up their career, goals and go back to traditional life style which means mostly women sit at home and take care of kids and cook and not to share house chores with their partner, they expect to be respected from their male family and equal for everything.

They have used to live abroad with male partners under one roof before marriage or vise versa and parents can’t accept that.

Some people think these girls are picky and they reach to thirties and still not married and why?
Some choose their partners from home and mostly those marriages reaches to divorce as one partner is still dangling and insisting one culture and can’t easily accept between traditional cultural and modern values.

Sometimes carrying 2 identities is hard and tough and parents are fighting for keeping and supporting them to keep their home culture, but on the other hand want them to be over educated and open and financially unindepended and like westerners.

Maybe the answer is when we are embracing with these 2 identities and culture and both male and female are unsure how to handle it, the best way is how to compromise in life.

October 19th, 2009

October19 Monday,

It was quite nice day of teaching, but kind of frustrating in the afternoon. We have had another tangible bitter reality of life appeared today.
Our marriage documents are ready to post to Holland, and it has been a week, which school facilities has kind of international meeting or any other type of businesses and hardly be able to find somebody to take care of this business.

Anyhow, yesterday we had to wait one hour to find a person in charge who can knows the phone number to DHL or other fast carrier; eventually they said we have to wait for approximately two hours and finally didn’t show up.

Another redicolous thing was they had to guarantee it is not personal sending and university accept responsibility or what so ever to post these documents via fast service.

To me it is so weird, at least in Iran we spend a lot of money for these kind service in couple of day you get what you want, here even we have to ay a big amount of money we still have to pass through strict regulations.
October 11,Sunday:

These days we can see the view outsdie has changed enirely.The trees are alomost leafless and half naked ,when you are wandering around you can hear browunish, greenish leaf and shrubs under your feet rattleand you can be like humming bird chanting under the rain and enjoy the short autumn before it ends.There is no more joyous sound thans chirrup of bird –song in the mornings. In the morning as it is is raining cats and dogs .

My only day weekend which means to be so precious to me.I t has been quite long time that I have made myself to do so many things and I have point it out in my previouses blog stories.
In fact today I am wondering I need some rest at least half of a day and I need to creat this barrier in my mind and respect and do it.Some times I do have ambivalent feeling and then feeling guilt comes to me that why I am not doing enough in my off days,which is I nknow meaans to be a slef pitty…

I do go for some Dutch and Chinese study and read some newspapres as usual and listen to the book club BBC whch is my favourite and can’t neglect it.

By all means,all these give me amotivation and inspired me to be back to my drawing.In fact I confess that I need to squeeze the time to do tsome painting nowadays and all is worth it.

October 10th, 2009

October 10, Saturday:

Classes start today and as to my expectation some of teachers cut the classes off and didn’t show up. Presumably, as it is still weekend after holiday, even after receiving the email of classes start. It is not just fair and so brutal to act like that, but some people are like this!

I would appreciate if the Chinese staff would realize the difference between a proper, punctual teacher who does whatever an whenever happens. Anyhow me and wijb are very precise and they all are happy with us and want us for another contract which is good enough.

I have two classes to cover as my week day schedule today, which comes after holiday break and by all means kill the whole day.

Students are nice, active, and energetic and respect the teacher and that’s only positive feeling which pulls me inside the class.

Most of the students had had a great time, being back home and visited their families and some had to stick in campus cause of being in a quarantine for two weeks which is not so good and some confess that, they were so busy climbing the wall up and down to get out of campus and it was so amazing.

I was talking about swine flu and the effect and how to prevent from flu in winter, which I think of using as a topic in class was a good lesson and rest we had to review about our previous topic which means so much talking back……
October7 Wednesday,

Sadly, today is the last day off my long excursion that I have been noticed that tomorrow are some teachers’ tasks, which still are unclear for us, as usual in china we always have a kind of enigmatic schedule, mostly will be clear on the last moment to you by people in charge of to make your ass off.

Anyhow, from Friday classes re-open after 2 weeks off from work due to Swine flu spread among students.

I need adopting myself to get up early again and start tackling my tasks regardless of other activities as I always do, willingly or unwillingly.

These days were both so positive and lame at the same time. It is sometimes hard to keep the border between being constructive and not destructive by doing too many things at the same time.

As often that happens to me, cause I am a hyper-active and whether I get off or not doesn’t mater that much, as long as I do ten things in a regular basis everyday or other wise will have feeling of self-pity to myself.

Sometimes, in life happens you have leave behind some kind of things for a while and when the right time appears be back to what you always want to do, but distinguishing between what our desire is and what in reality as person responsibility we have is hard though.

I was able to cover some Chinese lessons and in meantime study continuously, relentlessly Dutch activities, moreover I did couple of nice paintings, since summer time, it has been for a while that I was a humdrum mood for art stuff.

I and Wijb did embellish our place with some decorations of cushions. Plants and had some clothes shopping as during October holiday we have chances of getting some lower price for stuff.

October 9th, 2009

October 9, Firday,

After receiving surprising news 2 days ago that our classes start from Saturday; I have had 2 more day to mess around and do more Chinese and Dutch study and play my favorite Fatal Game a bit more.

It has been 2 days so far that the weather has got chilly and everyday is getting worse and it a warning of winter is coming soon.
It is good that we didn’t have to work this day and stay at home and relaxed but so far tomorrow morning after 3 weeks is hard to get up early and go to the school, while wijb will be in bed for another two hours to rest. He starts work abit later, some days.

Anyhow as we go out just for food in the rainy days, today we passed by of some shops and most people were just sitting there smoking or playing mahjong(Chinese chess) ,and gossiping possibly . Shop keepers seem to be happy to open their shops for random customers even during the national holiday and just sit and stare at rain and chat inside, possibly it is kind of relaxation in Chinese concept of life.

As a matter of the fact, today the streets despite of heavy rain were so vivid and city’s atmosphere was so hustle and bustle, as schools, universities and some other Governmental jobs reopen again.
This weekend started from Thursday cause of Christmas off ,so far these 2 days till now have been so nice and we did so many precisely tasks.
Yesterday we got plenty of stuff for possibly the last or one before last soup of the year .
I intended to exchange my engagement ring as well we both find out something amazing which by the time that Wijbren bouth me a ring was not in the market. So far the trade went fairly well and I have got a new ring!.

Today ,after we received the phone call from tailor, we got my wedding dress as soon as I tried it ,I felt it is pretty much what I wanted and was so fantastic, elegance on my body ,moreover I have got some jewelries which suits the dress in addition as well.

Moreover we had a nice Christmas Dinner with bunch of sea food s and hot pot style of exclusive Chinese dishes ,including filling and desserts in our common buffet place .

Out of the blue when we were unleashing our scooter a Chinese guard showed up as usual I thought he wants to make stupid conversation with foreigner ,but despite my anticipation he saw our wedding dress’s box and came and said in Chinese: “Gongxi Gongxi” which means congratulations based on a big events in a life .

In fact, he went further, and tried to complimenting us by saying a good choice and I am pretty and so on.!

Then few meters before we reached to our flat ,we came across with the headmaster of our department and almost the same type conversation went further.
I still don’t know if this time I am able tog et Eu visa, and feeling nervous as otherwise all plans and shopping and everything which is already set there and here will be fucked up!/

Anyhow sometimes news travel so fast and hard to keep for the right moment.

21 October, Wednesday

21 October, Wednesday

Our own business

When we were eating lunch yesterday the issue of have our own business popped up again.
Every now and then it comes to our mind.
I have been much longer than Wijb and have seen so many foreigners come to China start teaching English, but after a while start doing some other businesses and keep teaching as a supporting stick not just something you live with it and rely on 100%.

The fact is, this brutal reality of losing job or more new, cheap teachers show up especially in China in pretty high, especially with havoc and fluctuated economy of world and England and The firs place over sea could be china for native to teach. We should have a plan B.

I did like Wijb’s ideas to open a café’ or snack bar with Dutch cuisines. There are a lot of bars or pool places have been established and managed by foreigners and in fact Chinese and foreigners who live in China would love to try new places with different atmosphere or taste of food or music to hang out.
I am hoping we can make this idea to a shape of reality one day soon. There fore we need to be aware of accepting risks and settled with part time teaching and not hurry in a plan to sweeping us in middle of nowhere and run into unknown, super unrealistic things.