Saturday, January 23, 2010

The second day of break time. I was wondering today that it has been quite long time that I haven’t done any painting.
Sometime when I check Face book I see some friends doing art and I am thinking back in time to 15 or even more than that ,20 years ago when, I was doing art so seriously ,even I chose my major in art field .

I have had so many exhibition in Iran and out and I was blossoming so fast forward for my age.
Even back to those time I remembered I was thinking about how lucrative could be my art ,in matter of selling and looking into the market.
I was just 22when I finished the study , and I was working for almost 2 years professionally as watercolorist painter organizing exhibitions in galleries and had customers who were bugging me with calls and hooking on me .I always wanted particularly special artist.
I had just had a chance to enter to fashion field starting doing programmes on T.V as independent designer cause I had had 6 months training in meanwhile studying at university and I was too young for all these.

So what happened then?
Can we call it ,all talent and desired died, suddenly?

Sounds a bit unsecured and hectic.

Well ,sometimes the ideas towards art ,comes back to me .

Back in time ,I wanted to grab and snap the chances. Traveling around Asia or east Asia ,chances to get another job as over seas teacher seeking for a better and different life, finding my soul mate, partner, somewhere else in this world.
Maybe I was so too early for everything in life, a prodigy lost in life.

It has been 2 years that I am back to music ,and from last year I just watched a movie showed a talented boy how he found his way to start his art and how he blossomed at the end, was a warning and sparkle in my life again.

As the time bring chances in life ,I have had a chance to choose in a certain time in my life ,to digest the risk ,get out of country stand on my feet and use my valor to be a teacher and now stand as a professor at university teaching English and working on my languages skills, and on my free time to draw sketches for fashion and paint, or be there, stick to art there which was great back to those period there and seeking for other chances might have happened or not totally blind and veiled situation in front.!?
Sometimes you receive a total condemnation from society which has happened to me back the time in Iran and even in China couldn’t catch chances back professionally to my art, but I do it as hobby though.

Long introduction today I am in middle of creating something new again. Painting something which brings me back memories from summer vacation in Holland.
In meanwhile I was drown in my artistic mood about clothes and new design, just a idea came in my mind which when I READ THE FOLLOWING ADRESSS


An article from The Guardian gave me a surprised stun. Such a coincidence.!

Girls just want to have fun. That was the message from the British designer Luella Bartley at London Fashion Week yesterday, where she unveiled a collection of sweet, colorful dresses and separates with a pop twist.

I was thinking to buy and even maybe design some new ,colorful clothes and now the fashion update goes girly style this year apparently. GOOD news for charming girls.!

Thinking about art ,having artistic mind helps your life to be more colorful and creative and always you have something to do ,to think new……

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