Tuesday, January 26, 2010

October 18,Sunday

Yesterday night was our movie night with some friends.
We met 2 guys one couple of months ago and the other last semester here in a local restaurant. these 2 are students now studying their master degree and one used to teach English at university so far.

Anyhow ,once we were talking about horror movie and “Ring “ and they asked us to watch some Japanese’s horror movie together as they have a great reputation of genuinely being scary.

Wijb downloaded 2 moives.First was “Garage” and the second called” “which a bit goofy and depressing as the story of the second was just spreading the message of how network system can be a killer of our life as we become isolated from society and no friends around besides computersand the entire society goes through annihiliation till end of life.
Personally I do like watching horror movie ,but not Japanese type.Both were doomed and grimed.
Garage was one of those typical stereotype horror movies which make hell out of your guts.

The story was zoomed in one Haunted house where a terrible tragedy of domestic violence had happened there long time ago. Basically the maniac beast murdered his entire family and the son was observing his mum death before his .

The were 2 ghosts handing around the house one him and another his wife and some time kid show up, and intensively torturing the people to death who go or live in that house till they die gradually by mocking and showing up with disgusting ,bloody appearance.

Main point was it’s sequences were going forward and backward in time and in fact it was working on your brain to distinguish were we are at the moment of watching.
The child’s ghost was brutal and revengeful ,but was good just to one social worker who found out about family’s picture and took care of grandma in the house.

The ghost was torturing the grandma by seeing the scenery and not to be able to speak up.
The story continues for more than a decade and literally never ended, cause nobody could get rid of the kid’s spirit who was floating around.

In the end just put the audience in a puzzle and mystery of sorrow and grief for has happened brutialy.At least had an ending somehow.

November 18

Try to make stories from these sentences:

I was trying to write down some random sentences to help my students’ writing , but somehow my unconscious mind is trying to drag me down to write a story out of these, possibly it takes long time to pass form this stage.

Luring into the documents to find out the truth…

It was totally dark and murky, he could hardly breathe while he was sniffling, snorting and hearing his heart was throbbing, suddenly….

In the one of excruciating cold winter nights they have decided to drive around the town and find a nice bar to hang out, wind was hauling and they had to peer to be able to get the keys inside the car handle’s lock ….

It was such a foppish, elegance speech,

He could say anything to the parents he knew that they would say no to him, just said to her we much elope somewhere we can be together…

They claimed they have arrived first there and totally were discriminated the indigenous minorities,

The prosecutors alleged a life sentence for him, cause of his major crimes as he confessed reluctantly in the court…

Wednesday ,October 28:

Wednesday, October 28:

The merit of leaving high school in early age:

There are so many contrary ideas about what is the best age get into the college.
When I look back on the time, when I was in junior high school I hated to be there for four years and especially the last year, everyday of it was such a night mare. Not just because I was lame, on the contrary I was one of the best, mature ones in the class.

Presumably, I can say for some students who have bunch of confident inside and see the difference between themselves and the others could be boring and even more sever annoying. I am talking about those diligent ones ,who want to robust what they have in their mind or need a spark for that, other wise all the instinct talent might be wasted.

There some kids have nothing to do in the last year instead of killing the time. Some need more activities and a better or higher quality of curriculums.
In fact, it is hard to separate them.

For instance, in my country (Iran) we have some special schools from middle schools for who are a bit more active and have higher IQ after passing the test and receiving an acceptable result lead to that type of school.

I am not in favor of those school for sure, as I have been there and spent 7 years, which was not too special, but the point is you are capable of doing and have enough stamina to get extra activities, physically and mentally, such as more projects, experiments, and tougher study subjects, for some of the best ones who will be satisfied and a bit more helpful to lead to a better and higher university.

By the end for who are gifted can plough what they have learned practically by the end of those years and make them satisfied, rather than feeling of being totally retied in some classes and feel useless of their age, which is destructive.
There some special curriculum in some countries as if you can get more credits then will be granted enter to the university, even before you receive your diploma, which I think is pretty cool.

December 28

This week is officially my last week of work and the following week will be the exam session.
In fact, as far as I am concern during these few years examination is a gigantic task, which is overwhelming the students’ life and shrink it sometimes in the way them beat them like death appear.

Frankly, I remember the time that I was in high school was pretty nasty too.

In Iran education system at school are pretty tough but totally different from Chinese system. Our terms are divided by 3 per year and we didn’t have winter holiday just a week broken and so on.

Nowadays for new generation might have been some changes, but the point is we had quizzes and mini tests which made us ready for big, giant exam at the end of first 3 months.

Additionally, I still have some times night mare from exam time at high schools.
Anyhow my university time was pretty mature and mellow.

No offence, I loved art and we had so many work shops every single day of week for hours and a lot project and tasks and basically exam didn’t have any sense so far like China in fact.

I could say part of it was just, maybe we studied art.

Today as I acted somehow like Chinese teachers for part of my exam session gave students a project to do in groups, they were still retired how to do it, even after a term making them ready of team working and being creative.

So, I gave them examples then farther explained it over 3 times for God sake! and 2 other parts I mentioned that I will come up with random questions and some problem solving cases .
Students were insisting and panicking what those questions are supposed to be! I told them if I give you the question and you memorized there is no point of having test.

Moreover, I told them “: see! All you need is to practice your self confidence and all I need is using grammar and vocabulary we talked about as much as possible properly. So don’t worry if you have been active enough.”

My point of view is how much exams and a monster of exam’s class make them fragile and swinging forward and backward.

January 22

Friday 22 January 2010,trip to Holland:

We had a great, peaceful flight today, it took around 2 hours to get into the airport and we had so many bulky stuff, especially Wedding dress and bags to carry, and as usual the metro was pretty crowded, in the end we arrived around 10.30, which is one and half hour before our flight and very quickly, got into the check in.

We arrived 45 minutes early, in fact and Wijbren’s parents were waiting for us.
It was pleasant arriving and a nice family dinner together, afterwards.

Saturday, we tried to get into the Capital of Friesland( Leeuwarden)and Wijbren could hooked on his Dad’s car pleasently.In order to ge thereby all means was fun and we got some nice shopping over there,in sale market.
Moreover, we reached to 2 different Maques and unfortunately, as far as I am cooncern the Islamic marriages don’t go like that here, and we couldn’t get into any conclusion.

Sunday was nice, as we got up we saw plently of snow and took some nice pictures, then Wijbren could arrange to see one of his old friend, another Jurnalist who worte about us and our lives in China, in one of local newspapares, couple of months ago.

It was such a great time for couple of hours hangs out with somebody the same age as us.

December 26

Events on these past 2 days, so far:

Yesterday we got plenty of stuff for possibly the last or one before last soup of the year.
I intended to exchange my engagement ring as well we both find out something amazing which by the time that Wijbren both me a ring was not in the market. So far the trade went fairly well and I have got a new ring!

Today ,after we received the phone call from tailor, we got my wedding dress as soon as I tried it ,I felt it is pretty much what I wanted and was so fantastic, elegance on my body ,moreover I have got some jewelries which suits the dress in addition as well.

Moreover we had a nice Christmas Dinner with bunch of sea food and hot pot style of exclusive Chinese dishes, including filling and desserts in our common buffet place.

Out of the blue when we were unleashing our scooter a Chinese guard showed up as usual I thought he wants to make stupid conversation with foreigner ,but despite my anticipation he saw our wedding dress’s box and came and said in Chinese: “Gongxi Gongxi” which means congratulations based on a big events in a life .

In fact, he went further, and tried to complimenting us by saying a good choice and I am pretty and so on.

Then few meters before we reached to our flat, we came across with the headmaster of our department and almost the same type conversation went further.
I still don’t know if this time I am able tog et Eu visa, and feeling nervous as otherwise all plans and shopping and everything which is already set there and here will be fucked up!/

Anyhow sometimes news travels so fast and hard to keep for the right moment.

December 23

Today was the last official day of work for this week, due the Christmas time.

So here at University we have officially 4 days off and it is sweet to be at home with family and have a nice feast.

Me and Wijbren have some plans to buy some stuff and have a big meal together even we both are far from our parents our heart is with them and warm sharing time in hearts.

Moreover we are hopping we can find a nice ,proper jeweler shop for our rings and sort of our wedding dress as well.

Anyhow, I have received some nice gifts and eloquent surprises from my students and from one of the classes a short ,watery speech that how much they enjoyed the class and appreciated my hard work for this semester.

January 10

This week is officially my last week of work and the following week is exam session.
In fact as far as I concern during these few years examination is a gigantic task ,which is overwhelming the students life and shrink it sometimes in the way them beat them like death appear.

Frankly ,I remember the time I was in high school was pretty nasty too.

In Iran education system at school are pretty tough but totally different from Chinese system. Our terms are divided by 3 per year and we didn’t have winter holiday just a week break and so on.

Nowadays for new generation might have been some changes ,but the point is we had quizzes and mini tests which made us ready for big ,giant exam at the end of first 3 months.

So in act we had hopes if somebody die for example on that day can be hopeful to ass the course and year cause of all quizzes and 3 times exams.
But I still have some times night mare from exam time at high schools.
Anyhow my university time was pretty mature and mellow.

No offence ,I loved art and we had so many work shops every single day of week for hours and a lot project and tasks and basically exam didn’t have any sense so far like China in fact.

I could say part of it was just ,maybe we studied art.

Today as I acted somehow like Chinese teachers for part of my exam session gave students a project to do in groups ,they were still retired how to do it, even after a term making them ready of team working and being creative.

So, I gave them examples then farther explained it over 3 times for God sake!, and 2 other parts I mentioned that I will come up with random questions and some problem solving cases .
Students were insisting and panicking what are those questions supposed to be!.I told them If I give you the qustion and you memoriezed there is no point of having test.

Moreover,I told them “:see! All you need is to practice your self confidence and all I need is using grammar and vocabulary we talked about as much as possible properly. so don’t worry if you have been active enough.”

My point of view is how much exams and a monster of exam’s class make them fragile and swinging forward and backward.

January 13, 2010

January 13, 2010:

Today has been one of the busy days in our winter vacation.
As I have planned before, we bought the things we needed, in general, but for organizing our trip and some souvenirs are still left.
As a matter of fact, we have just got our ticket today and it was bitterly expensive. In fact, we saved four months and spent it twice air trip to Europe and back!

How that sounds! But, sometimes, some events happens, like visiting parents, (still mine left for this summer) and then intend to get married, so we have to make in short time couple of trips around the world.
No complain, I am so happy, we can make it, precisely and that’s important.

After getting tickets, we have to deal with our Chinese department, over than a month holiday payment, which they have made mistake, we have to give them some amount back and wait till summer 2010.

Finally, another exclusive news is, we spent couple hours in a classic ,old souvenir districts to get some gifts for friends, who luckily, this time we make to see them in Europe and for Wijbren parents.
The point is the weather was so nasty and cold, bone scratching wind hauling and after 2 hours ,I hardly could walk ,cause my legs ,toes, nose were totally frozen and numbed.!

I am so happy we could get a nice tea jar (box), which can preserve tea, obviously it is Chinese and old type and especial.

I had an idea for long time, and rummaging it through my mind for a right time to do it, which was getting some stuff for my parents.
After being far from home for such a long time, especially recently that I made them trough trouble, in order to get my documents ready and gave them some other issues authorities, which I am not proud of it, but was unavoidable.

We still have some more shopping tomorrow weather well or not, we have done some how after that, besides I need to get to the post office, which might be pain, and sometimes literally is.

Saturday January 9:

Saturday January 9:

This Friday was pretty much a busy, annoying day. We received a call from our office to go along with one person from office to the police station to renew our Chinese residence permit.
Actually, I must say, in each city in China the regulation is a bit different, moreor less. Anyhow, it took us half an hour by cab to get there, moreover we had an accompany, one of Asian-Russian art teacher, who we met at Christmas party. The dude was incredibly intruder and talkative.
Oh, man! I have always been thinking, I am a talkative person, but comparatively I just talk a lot in my classes. Somehow, we’ve realized with some reasons all foreigners, who come to China, whenever they get together and basically see another foreigner around, become incredibly curious in each other’s personal lives, talk and yank till their ears off!

Anyhow, being polite and keep the ettiquette ended getting pissed off as usual, that why some can’t get to the point, by saying rubbish stories and asking too many irrelevant questions.
I had my novel and Wijbren was carrying his Chinese book to kill he time there till work has been done. The dude wanted to sit beside me, surprisingly and yank off.

God the way back we had rush hour and got headache from pollution, cold, dry air, and besides taxi driver, was a retired one, because he couldn’t recognize the University’s address or how to get there, and we had usual story of being in a Chinese taxi.

In the afternoon, we got our shopping and I do love shopping, but honestly, during these few months, I have spent a lot, had to do so much shopping clothes and other items .Recently, kind of feeling enough is enough.
Still, no news from embassy related to my EU visa and can’t make any plans further.

Saturday December 6,2009


It is another nice ,dazzling but cold weekend day here in Xian.

After reading news about how much pollution from exhausts of vehicles and further more from factories spread in the air ,particularly in Xian even more than some other industrial cities in China not feeling very well and optimistic at the moment.

We were going to the dance class some other days last week and every time I am about to have heart attack and get nervous ,even I am trying not to drive in the heart of traffic, but that’s maniac way of people wandering, rushing and swinging in the middle of traffic cars maneuvering .In fact, there is not rules in rush hour basically.

I am praying every time we have to go through this crazy traffic to be safe back home.

It has been just like strucking somewhere and can’t move. Sound pathetic.Yes,it is!.
In fact we don’t know how long will might stay in China .

After getting married I was thinking earlier to live here for another year, but I have fears about Wijbren and he can’t make his mind at all and bouncing and swinging with wobbly ideas, every day .

Moreover Europe is still suffering from recession time.harldy can anybody get a decent job, though.

I don’t want to stay too long in China ,on one hand we are completely secure here on the other hand not earning that much to be able to save that much for future.

Regardless our traveling to Europe and other part of China, marriage and engagement ceremonies costs ,every now and then and other dependences appear though.

January 2

These days are nice and pleasant to pass or push time forward which utterly we hardly do that.
As it is the end of the first semester at University and things done and just examination sessions left behind, so nothing left to be worried about the need of course related to University facilities.

On the contrary by starting 2010, a new decade and I have wished a lot, but the priority is having a new life, as a new resemblance of freshness of this decade upcoming.

However, we have planned pretty precise and seems to be completely organized ,still we are waiting unwillingly to get the result of Chinese visa and EU visa which I can bet for everybody who lives as a foreigner somewhere is a hectic time.

I have been in contact with my Aunt recently out of the blue, as I had lost connection with them for while, but now I am hopping if we can spend sometime all together, as a big family and Wijbren will have a chance to see Scandinavian countries as well as seeing my relatives though.

January 15

Friday 15 January 2010;
Today was a total mess and I was incredibly busy as a bee.

In fact , recently, every couple of months ,so far I had to draw Euro from my account, because of our trips.
Personally, I don’t like going to banks particularly in China, stay there for official,beaucratic paper works, but sometimes is unavoidable, indeed.
This time, the story was about being there and after discovering they don’t have enough Euro to give me, which was so surprising, as it is my own money and if I need it ,I have to bark like a dog.
Further, as usual in China, they were insisting to exchange it to Chinese money.
Finally, I lost my temper ,in a sarcastic way ,in Chinese told them:” Am I seem to be a Chinese nation or what!>.I am telling you, I am going back to my country and need my bloody,fucking money.!”

Anyhow, I had to travel to 3 banks and from amount of I want ,could get 3 quarter and one quarter left. I gave up for now, but have decided ,luckily, after the trip and back to China close my Euro account for ever and some Euro, likely to have, keep them at home and me and Wijbren find an European bank to open a sharing account for our Chinese currency.

Anyhow, the story is not finished here. The second part of story was, to get to the main post office in the city,bacause ,apparently ,some other post offices don’t send parcels to out of the country, which took me another 2 hours on the scooter to get there and be back.

By the time ,I got there, they mistaken me with Chiense,and I said:” for god sake>!I want this parcel to get to Iran, transfer me to foreigner secessions”.

Sometiems,as a foreigner, who can speak and understand Chinese precisely and know enough about culture and how to react, finding to live here easily ,is pretty much a challenge.

January 7th, 2010

Sunday January7, 2010:

We eventually reached to the point to have our own free time for a real journey, which I love. We left Hallum (a town where we stay with Wijbren’s parents, in Friesland) and got our first train in Leeuwarden.
We had plenty of time ahead in our schedule and it was good, rather than rushing and running to the station. Anyhow sitting on the first class it is nice though. we spent one hour and we had to change the train twice in 2 different cities and then we passed from the boarder and I had to spend a couple of extra Euro for international pass, which was duable.Our first stop changing train in Germany was Düsseldorf to Aachen.

In fact, Düsseldorf’s station was so nice and clean and variety of handy shops indeed. I do think maybe having had the first time a great impression about Germany or it is really nice and organized. Admittedly, I do enjoy passing each city by city in this country.

So now we are still in train going to our last destination Aken in less than an hour.

January 5

The first week of New Year events:

This week is pretty tough and harsh for me and on the contrary for Wijb was pretty lame and mellow.
Sometimes you can’t put words in together, but I am sad and happy at the same time.
In fact, kind of done with teaching for now and need my free time and late morning getting out of bed with relief.

He has been for two days in row to the University and without any explanations discovered his both classes have exam at the same time of his class session and nobody could be bothered to let him know.

Anyhow, presumably he is done and officially his term is over and for me, I have had 2 days and still 2 more days to go and over 250 students in total, to give them the oral test, which is in some ways, is a piece of cake, but on the other hand I feel nauseous at the end of each day.

Surprisingly ,this term my students are so obedience and studious, even today we had a make up class [Bu ke( In Chinese)] and all of show up and few of them were late ,so then they came up with official apology and texting to my mobile. I should say:”Oh dude “take it easy!””

Anyway, we barely see these kinds of things nowadays, besides receiving non stop gifts due to New Year, Or Christmas and end of the term.
I bet they fairly like my classes, or in Wijbs’ word they are giving me briberies!

January 4

First day of last week of work, news:

Yesterday, Monday after a long day of having exam session with students and some shopping in the time, I was slouching on the sofa and watching my favorite T.V programme, which is called” Daily show”, I received a phone from our head office that apparently the new version of contract is ready mad we need to sign.

In fact, the bureaucracy is unbelievably ragging around, in all Chinese offices and choking people to death.
No exaggeration, but after 2 weeks of sending documents and preparations, they just asked us again to sign some more paper sheets and I had to emphasize that we are getting ran out of time and need our “Chinese residence permit” as soon as possible, before Winter holiday.
Further more, getting back to the point, when we were passing through the path to the office, we noticed a sharp high pitch bird sound.

Well, one of our fatty, local, , monster spoiled cats was smart and fast enough to clutch and grip a poor song bird and by the time we were passing, it had already broken his neck and was trying to suffocating him smoothly and gently.

Hogged! So brutal, but it is part of the nature rules. You catch and you have been catch.
Ah! I still think of that poor bird.

January 1

These days are nice and pleasant to pass or push time forward which utterly we hardly do that.
As it is the end of the first semester at University and things done and just examination sessions left behind, so nothing left to be worried about the need of course related to University facilities.

On the contrary it is starting 2010 ,a new decade and I have wished a lot, but the priority is having a new life, as a new resemblance of freshness of this decade upcoming.

However, we have planned pretty precise and seems to be completely organized ,still we are waiting unwillingly to get the result of Chinese visa and EU visa which I can bet for everybody who lives as a foreigner somewhere is a hectic time.

I have been in contact with my Aunt recently out of the blue, as I had lost connection with them for while, but now I am hopping if we can spend sometime all together, as a big family and Wijbren will have a chance to see Scandinavian countries as well as seeing my relatives though.

October 11

October 11, Sunday:

These days we can see the view outside has changed enirely.The trees are almost leafless and half naked, when you are wandering around you can hear brown- greenish leaves and shrubs under your feet rattling or humming bird chanting under the rain enjoying the short autumn before it ends. There is no more joyous sound of birds chirping songs in the mornings. In the morning as it is is raining cats and dogs.

My only day weekend which means to be so precious to me. I t has been quite long time that I have enforced myself to do so many things. I have point it out in my previous blog stories.

In fact, today I am wondering I need some rest at least half of a day and I need to create this barrier in my mind and respect and do it. Some times I do have ambivalent feeling and then feeling guilt comes to me that why I am not doing enough in my off days, which is I know means to be a self pity personally…

I do go for some Dutch and Chinese study and read some newspapers as usual and listen to the book club BBC which is my favorite and can’t neglect it.

By no means, all these give me motivation and inspired me to be back to my drawing. Confessing that I need to squeeze the time to do some paintings nowadays and all is worth it.