Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 22

Friday 22 January 2010,trip to Holland:

We had a great, peaceful flight today, it took around 2 hours to get into the airport and we had so many bulky stuff, especially Wedding dress and bags to carry, and as usual the metro was pretty crowded, in the end we arrived around 10.30, which is one and half hour before our flight and very quickly, got into the check in.

We arrived 45 minutes early, in fact and Wijbren’s parents were waiting for us.
It was pleasant arriving and a nice family dinner together, afterwards.

Saturday, we tried to get into the Capital of Friesland( Leeuwarden)and Wijbren could hooked on his Dad’s car pleasently.In order to ge thereby all means was fun and we got some nice shopping over there,in sale market.
Moreover, we reached to 2 different Maques and unfortunately, as far as I am cooncern the Islamic marriages don’t go like that here, and we couldn’t get into any conclusion.

Sunday was nice, as we got up we saw plently of snow and took some nice pictures, then Wijbren could arrange to see one of his old friend, another Jurnalist who worte about us and our lives in China, in one of local newspapares, couple of months ago.

It was such a great time for couple of hours hangs out with somebody the same age as us.

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