Monday, January 25, 2010

December 15

Weekend is over, and I have organized stuff for my trip as well ,so many documents are needed to be signed and prepared for visa ,process is long and not unendurable.Honestly ,no other way.Hopping this time official things works as before for our following plans.

Anyhow, eventually Wijb could have the chance to get the first private students through the University’s principals.
The guy is quite high-social class and surgical -spine specialist, moreover has a reasonable good English as I have heard from Wijb.

Hopfully is going to be once a week class in our place from now on for a couple of months.I am pretty happy for Wijb.

Shabe Yalda

Shabe Yalda:

I have decided to use my free time today and write down a bit about one of Iranian traditional Festival as it classes ( shabe –Yalda) which the celebration of longest night of the year as Winter solstice appear in the Northen Hemisphere.
This Festival has a very long history and possibly some of Iranian doesn’t know all details even.
I am writing this for Wijbren, his family and everybody else who is interested in knowing different traditions about Zoroastrians and Iranians, basically.

On turning point, is Winter Solstice (December 21) and end of the longest night of the year (Darkness), and beginning of growing of the days (Lights); a celebration of Good over Evil. Shabe Yaldā (Persian: یلدا) or Shabe Chelle (Persian: شب چله) is an Iranian festival originally celebrated on the Northern Hemisphere's longest night of the year, that is, on the eve of the Winter Solstice.

The Eve of the Birth of Mithra, the Sun God 'Shab-e Yalda', celebrated on 21 December, has great significance in the Iranian calendar. It is the eve of the birth of Mithra, the Sun God, who symbolized light, goodness and strength on earth. Shab-e Yalda is a time of joy.
It is a time when friends and family gather together to eat, drink and read poetry (especially Hafiz) until well after midnight. Fruits and nuts are eaten and pomegranates and watermelons are particularly significant. The red colour in these fruits symbolises the crimson hues of dawn and glow of life, invoking the splendour of Mithra.
Because Shab-e Yalda is the longest and darkest night, it has come to symbolise many things in Persian poetry; separation from a loved one, loneliness and waiting. After Shab-e Yalda a transformation takes place - the waiting is over, light shines and goodness prevails.
Unfortunately and me and Wijbren were busy with work and doing other things so this year we had no celebration.
But I am trying either his or mine traditional festival to be celebrated and keep it as it is which is symbol of ancestors and part of us.

December 12

Saturday December 12th, 2009:

Today I totally feel fresh and energetic.

Lately, I have been sleeping badly and whenever I get up feeling like a shit and seem not having a wink at all.

With no reason to confess but I do think I have had enormous bunch of nightmares and thinking too much and planning unconsciously.

I have been sneaking in news details, which is my hobbies every now and then, moreover studying Chinese lessons and besides writing my blog, and more important getting ready for our Christmas Brunch in a French restaurant.
From our department has informed us we are going to celebrate Christmas a bit early with a feast, therefore we are hopping to have a nice, friendly atmosphere with others, but still it is 2 weeks to go.

December news

Christmas 2009 for us:

This weekend didn’t have any resemblance to another weekend with some reasons, first of all it unexpectedly started from Thursday cause of Christmas time ,so far the last 2 days up to now have been so eloquent days for us as, we did so many precisely stuff.

Firstly, I must mention about our not too spacious but lovely, cozy apartment which we both got some nice design and embellished artistically.

Thanks to my students somehow as well, cause they gave me some precisely Christmas gifts as chocolates, sweets and jewelleries plus so many Christmas cards.

For Christmas Eve, we both decided not to get woozy and don’t use booze. On the contrary we have chosen some nice movies to watch and have a big meal for Eve and Christmas day and some nice shopping as well.

Slouching on the coach under candle lights with lamp shade lights and Christmas hanging is something you can’t neglect.

Frankly, it is so good to us to have 2 different holidays and festivals even though we both celebrate different New Year. I bet it will be fascinating in future for our kids to grow in multi cultural- linguistic family.

Christmas news

This weekend started from Thursday cause of Christmas off, so far these 2 days till now have been so nice and we did so many precisely tasks.
Yesterday we got plenty of stuff for possibly the last or one before last soup of the year.
I intended to exchange my engagement ring as well. We have both found out something amazing which by the time that Wijbren bought me a ring was not in the market. So far the trade went fairly well and I have got a new ring!

Today ,after receiving the phone call from tailor, we got my wedding dress as soon as I tried it, I felt it is pretty much what I wanted and was so fantastic, elegance on my body ,moreover I have got some jewelries which suits the dress in addition as well.

Moreover we had a nice Christmas Dinner with bunch of sea food s and hot pot style of exclusive Chinese dishes, including filling and desserts in our common buffet place.

Out of the blue when we were unleashing our scooter a Chinese guard showed up as usual I thought he wants to make stupid conversation with foreigner ,but despite my anticipation he saw our wedding dress’s box and came and said in Chinese: “Gongxi Gongxi” which means congratulations based on a big events in a life .

In fact, he went even further and tried complimenting us by saying a good choice and I am pretty and so on.

Then few meters before we reached to our flat, we came across with the headmaster of our department and almost the same type conversation went further.
I still don’t know if this time I am able to get EU visa, and feeling nervous as otherwise all plans and shopping and everything which is already set there and here will be fucked up!/

Anyhow sometimes news travels so fast and hard to keep for the right moment.

December 19

Thursday events:
Last Thrusday I had to cancel my class in the morning and asked Wijb to keep my class in the afteernoon in order to reach to Beijing.
It was planed from couple of months ago and I couldn’t find any other convenient time.
I went to apply for Duth visa for our winter vacation.But as usual things always doesn’t work as we expect or we plan ahead.

My flight was pretty good and I reached there and welocmed warmly in the hostel as a memember (cause they know me quite well), moreover I hit Iran embassy to ask further questions related to our marriage and conversion to Islam, as Wijb needs to do that in order to get married in islamic way, then he will be freely to be able to come to Iranand further our local marriage (European) will be known legal, which is essential for future for us as a family.

No matter what, the consulate told me that it is possible to do it in some other ways, much easier, which was totally good news, but unfortunately, I couldn’t extended my driving license.
Friday, as I had appointment going to Dutch embassy .I was not lucky and for interview.
I had a Chinese arrogant chick, who couldn’t understand English properly or either speak Dutch at all, so I had pretty annoying, frustrating time to legalise my oragnised, completed documents and so far, the interview went pretty crap.
I was totally pissed off of being ignored by Chinese, as I am a foreigner and at least to have interview with somebody understand international language properly.

But in China we screwed for so many reasons, and because of all these cases, even we get paid well and have easy life and can travel anywhere easily.
In fact, I want to leave China soon, to be able to livre somewhere who people have a better concept of scoial manners.

Anyhow, Now I am tired and sick( casue Beijing weather and sick people around spitting and sneezing all the time in public places)any how, back home brings feeling good .

December 20

Yesterday we had nice time going to our regular place shopping some stuff for home and the way back another shocking Chinese cases show up.

Three girls were laughing and strolling from the pavement, intending crossing the street without paying attention to the traffic light and one of them keep talking on the bloody phone without looking around passing the street from red light like walking in the pavement. We had to curse her and shout, still she didn’t care. She could die, simply!

Chinese women piss me off in so many ways and this is not the first time.
Acting like a snake, not showing their real personality to grab a foreign man, but whenever the time comes that needed to plan for future or think ahead and be logical acting like a doll and a baby who is just born!

Anyhow no offence ,But whenever I watch Chinese movies or Japanese , are all the same, being woman means being like a retired , playing fool around and act completely useless. Such a shame!

Last night we were watching a Japanese horror movie which another American version appeared on the screen couple of years ago, called “The Grudge”.
I do like Horror movie no discrimination, but after watching 2 horror Japanese movies, I presumably can confess I am done.

The Theme was so repeat ting like the first movie.
In brief, the story happened in the first place, is in one of haunted houses which are cursed by a woman who was murdered harshly and brutally by her husband and their child was killed too. The ghost, basically follows anybody who turns up there or their relatives till they will be died brutally. The house is overwhelmed by ghosts and severs supernatural power and being cursed.

Anyhow, the film studio makes decision to produce another horror movie there in term of making public satisfaction or what.

In the end the main actress who is the last person survived with an illegitimate ghost child gives birth, then in few years having possessed ghost, kills her and that’s end of their story.
I am happy t the end I didn’t end up with night mares with such a bland, monotonous theme.
Yesterday we got plenty of stuff for possibly the last or one before last soup of the year .
I intended to exchange my engagement ring as well we both find out something amazing which by the time that Wijbren bouth me a ring was not in the market. So far the trade went fairly well and I have got a new ring!.

Today ,after we received the phone call from tailor, we got my wedding dress as soon as I tried it ,I felt it is pretty much what I wanted and was so fantastic, elegance on my body ,moreover I have got some jewelries which suits the dress in addition as well.

Moreover we had a nice Christmas Dinner with bunch of sea food and hot pot style of exclusive Chinese dishes ,including filling and desserts in our common buffet place .

Out of the blue when we were unleashing our scooter a Chinese guard showed up as usual I thought he wants to make stupid conversation with foreigner ,but despite my anticipation he saw our wedding dress’s box and came and said in Chinese: “Gongxi Gongxi” which means congratulations based on a big events in a life .

In fact, he went further, and tried to complimenting us by saying a good choice and I am pretty and so on.!

Then few meters before we reached to our flat ,we came across with the headmaster of our department and almost the same type conversation went further.
I still don’t know if this time I am able tog et Eu visa, and feeling nervous as otherwise all plans and shopping and everything which is already set there and here will be fucked up!/

Anyhow sometimes news travel so fast and hard to keep for the right moment.


The first day of the week, started quite ordinary but ended with nice surprises and pleasantly.

I had classes at University to teach as usual, but for my second class one of the students was playing with something inside his desk and draw the attention of me and others and his friends was his toot and said” he has got a present for you”. I appreciated but it didn’t long last and he gave me Christmas card and after ward of my appreciation.

Further more, I was teaching social manner and etiquettes in the class as our day topic, which was relevant to the gift somehow as well, so I flash to other things further.

The next hour after break, out of sudden, I realized some students are missing and then they showed up with a Stocking which was gifts inside and some other Christmas cards and hand paintings which were really nice and sweet.

Then our supervisor turned up to give us papers for exam session and gave another good news of canceling Christmas eve’s classes which is pretty nice from Chinese governmental sessions like Universities.

December 9

Today I feel totally fresh and energetic.

Lately I have been sleeping badly and whenever I get up feel like a shit and seems not having a wink at all.

With no reason to confess but I do think I have had enormous bunch of nightmares and thinking too much and planning unconsciously.

I have been sneaking into news in details ,which I do now and again afterwards,organising documents.

Moreover studying Chinese lessons and now besides writing my blog,getting ready for our Christmas Brunch in a French restaurant.

From our department informed us we are going to celebrate Christmas a bit early with a feast and we are hopping to have a nice ,friendly atmosphere with others, but it is 2 weeks till Christmas anyway.

December 6

Saturday December 6th, 2009:

It is another nice, dazzling but cold weekend in Xian.

On reading news about how much pollution from exhausts of vehicles further or factories is spreading in the air, particularly in Xian even more than some other industrial cities in China. Naturally, I am not feeling very well and optimistic at the moment.

We were going to the dance class some other days last week and every time I am about to have heart attack and get nervous, even I am trying not to drive in the heart of traffic, but that’s maniac way of people wandering, rushing and swinging in the middle of traffic cars maneuvering .In fact, there is not rules in rush hour basically.

I am praying every time we have to go through this crazy traffic to be safe back home.

It has been just like strucking somewhere and can’t move. Sound pathetic.Yes, it is!
In fact we don’t know how long will might stay in China.

After getting married, I was thinking earlier to live here for another year, but I have fears about Wijbren and he can’t make his mind at all.
Admittedly, Europe is still suffering from recession time, and hardly can anybody get a decent job, though.

I don’t want to stay too long in China; on one hand we are completely secure here on the other hand not earning that much to be able to save a lot for future.

Regardless our traveling to Europe and other part of China, marriage and engagement ceremonies costs, every now and then and other dependences appear though.
October 8, Thursday
My favorite ps2 game

Recently due to having a long break from work, giving me a great excuse to spend couple of hours playing PS2 games as a hobby, which if I am in mood of.

One of the games that I have been fascinated by is fatal frame 1 and now I am going to play the second one.
In fact, I don’t like violence or beating and kicking which means most of those Japanese fancy games, which are covered by all these actions are not type of games to go in for.

But, luckily there are couple of those which go through stories like for instance “Escape from monkey Island “which shows a retired peaceful mind light hearted-pirate, who fell in love with the governor’s daughter and married her and the story follows up by so much adventures and puzzle in the game needed to be solved.

Another game is fatal frame which expose a beautiful scenery of a huge Japanese mansion where is haunted by ghosts, more likely scary and gloomy, dark, damp and creepy area, but not violence.

It is talking about ritual and voodoos and exorcism and the good part is you need to practice your patience and be bold enough not to scream in meanwhile killing ghosts other wise you can’t finish the game, simply. Farther need to solve pretty much mini –puzzles to get more score for higher level
I do love the parts which I need to find out the puzzle and most enigmatic parts in the game.


She tripped in the mansion and knocked down couple of times with traumatic injuries by ghosts and especial power and needs to find a way to survive. There are some ways in each state as she can be animated from unanimated by drinking sacred water and other tools. She made a lot of interrogations how and what happened to that famous Japanese family and how brutally they have been murdered, felonies and crimes been unveiled to her during the process sing of higher level of game.


Iran beyond the stereotypes:

It is totally a contradictory and complex situation, which people think I might be crazy to mention it in this way. But, the reality is hard to unveil, some realize it and some not to believe till they see and feel themselves.

To be honest, the conclusion comes up with what the readers think and I keep it totally open, on your hand. No prejudgment!

First of all, let me start mentioning what is in my head.

I read an article about British and American guys who traveled to Iran one in 2005 and the other recently. They have observed a lot of things, then published what they have seen and took plenty of photos so far.
Particularly one of had the intention to show the pictures to his wife persuading her Iran is not a grim or wobbly place to visit and all these tension not necessary make the life hard or a lot of things happen in some ways you may not believe easily.
In fact, it is the same situation for me to convince my boyfriend, who supposed to be my husband soon, luckily to visit my homeland and my family, and he has been too cautious about the fluctuated political situation till now!

I know I am killing the reader as I have started from the end of story to the beginning which is not my style of writing, but at the moment can’t help it in another way.

We all read and see a lot of harsh activities and news about government actions and their mentality and their politics which put my people under a condition of being tortured for what they think and what they want, a lot are conservatives and some moderated and some others are moderates.

Majority of liberal-minded and moderates are living out of the country, but the point is what we see and read on the news and what is in reality happening or behind the doors of people and their homes or their mind not the same.

Those guys had intention to make a clear face of Iranian attitudes, cluture and traditions in a pragmatic way beyond of political news and pictures which appears in media.

One of them claimed his American wife reject to visit Iran after even their 10 years marriage, which I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

I would suggest you have aloof on their pictures and their articles which I should confess are pretty much the reality of families and their way of living is.
The web address coming with the following addresses which I refer you to have a glance:
Showcase: Iran, Beyond Stereotype