Monday, January 25, 2010


Iran beyond the stereotypes:

It is totally a contradictory and complex situation, which people think I might be crazy to mention it in this way. But, the reality is hard to unveil, some realize it and some not to believe till they see and feel themselves.

To be honest, the conclusion comes up with what the readers think and I keep it totally open, on your hand. No prejudgment!

First of all, let me start mentioning what is in my head.

I read an article about British and American guys who traveled to Iran one in 2005 and the other recently. They have observed a lot of things, then published what they have seen and took plenty of photos so far.
Particularly one of had the intention to show the pictures to his wife persuading her Iran is not a grim or wobbly place to visit and all these tension not necessary make the life hard or a lot of things happen in some ways you may not believe easily.
In fact, it is the same situation for me to convince my boyfriend, who supposed to be my husband soon, luckily to visit my homeland and my family, and he has been too cautious about the fluctuated political situation till now!

I know I am killing the reader as I have started from the end of story to the beginning which is not my style of writing, but at the moment can’t help it in another way.

We all read and see a lot of harsh activities and news about government actions and their mentality and their politics which put my people under a condition of being tortured for what they think and what they want, a lot are conservatives and some moderated and some others are moderates.

Majority of liberal-minded and moderates are living out of the country, but the point is what we see and read on the news and what is in reality happening or behind the doors of people and their homes or their mind not the same.

Those guys had intention to make a clear face of Iranian attitudes, cluture and traditions in a pragmatic way beyond of political news and pictures which appears in media.

One of them claimed his American wife reject to visit Iran after even their 10 years marriage, which I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

I would suggest you have aloof on their pictures and their articles which I should confess are pretty much the reality of families and their way of living is.
The web address coming with the following addresses which I refer you to have a glance:
Showcase: Iran, Beyond Stereotype

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