Friday, June 12, 2009

An artist life( Kiarostami)

Kiarostami has made more than 40 movies during his artistic lfe .He has known as a professional artist.

When the earth quake 1990 happened in Tehran he drove his life to an isolated area and afterward he made 2 movies related to devastation of earth quake. Yet, applying for a visa to direct this month's production of Così fan tutte at the English National Opera, he was asked for a deposit by Britain's visa office, to guarantee that he would not become a refugee.
He called it baloney talk and never received a proper answer why they have
treated him like this, as an international film maker has been in Ken festivals and his movies all around been seen should be treated this time differently.

After this kind of disgraceful action he mentioned he wanted to enjoy himself. He mentions he tries to say the realty in his life and the truth. Mostly he tried to bring the hidden truth into reality. He was born in 1940’s n Tehran and he passed a very peaceful life in his childhood and his father was a painter and decorator.

He made quite few movies about Shah dictator leadership in Iran before revolution and expand it to a bitter truth and mostly he confirms that he wants to talk about realties in his movies .He graduated from Tehran university of fine art and worked couple of years as a graphic designer for movies.

His motto related to the Presidential election is people should become politically mature and educated then won’t make huge mistakes twice. e said he will vote for republic and always be ready with barefoot goes to the street if it makes some good changes at the end.


Movie time

Movie time in our daily life.

My and Wijbren are so much into watching movies of course the ones which worth watching, mostly when we finish work ,reading stuff done playing games over, then we stick to the TV and plan for dinner time .Watching movies come up which later on we make hot discussion about them.
We saw Kong Fu movie which is directed by Richard lang. This movie has a great directing, cinematography is good though and the cast have made a great role there.
This movie is one of the type of movies no one talk about t and you can’t see so many Ad’s, or if you go to the music, movie store you find it under cover of plenty of dust, but when you watch it see how mc worth watching it.

Before watching I had no clue about the movie ,just general ideas about it. It has been made as a T.V series .I recommend watching them for whom really want to go into philosophy of Kong FU and martial arts and more over get more information about Chinese philosophy.
This movie is a kind of fantastic in action and adventure that Carradine has played ever.
He was a great actor( not alive anymore, sadly).he made a great act in this movie and a lot of effort, perfect dialogue and deep sentences, nice acting ,magnificent kong fu tuff and t s cool to see t great actors in one movie.
He played in quite few movies before, but this movie is an American Version which is adapted into Chinese culture.
Another great play is Brandon Lee the child of Bruce lee He is very new to Hollywood but has made a great history for him self till now.
Overall watching this movie was a great joy me. Esecially the part he was talking about “Grasshopper” and deep philosophy meaning behind it.

My life recently

I have started to reviewing my Chinese books ,then literally I have done with Chinese graded books, which means a lot to me. After few years I can read and write somehow and understandable and communicate with people not too bad .

Moreover I have had some English stuff to do and my blog stories , some articles ,writing news and stories ,which I AM TRYING TO ADD TO MY DAILY HABIT S, all hopefully, by the time our international trip will start , will be over, and be sort out.

I have some ideas for new paintings and some sketches ,designing clothes as well which I would love to do during this month.

But in next few days I have to move my ass off from here and go to Beijng and sort out my visa for Europe. Last week we had pretty harsh time to find a durable, reasonable ticket for our trip .
You know?
Instead of buying 3 tickets which is logically accepted which would cost less air traffic and less pollution to the environment.
We had to buy 2 return ones form and to Europe via Beijing, for visiting Iran the same story as well, which is so annoying.
Another option was to pay another at least 500 Euro more and 13 hours in just one airport in transit sit and the worst part of scenario was I had to get another transit visa to country which I have already been to cause of my nationality belong to no where in fact. isn’t it annoying and ridiculous?. Mind boggling!

Anyhow after spending hours we sort out those fucking tickets and booked them….

Next thing is we are trying to organize some short trips around Xian meanwhile this month we are here and later on possibly heading to Mongolia which a mysterious place for me and I would love to discover in fact.