Sunday, June 7, 2009

Capital punishment

Capital punishment is the only way to deter the criminals

Written by Mahkam Mostaghim

I would like to open this article with this question: Is capital punishment essential and unavoidable?
Lets look at the case in this way. Crimes are anywhere. In my opinion even more than few decades ago. Record and estimate of crimes show that the number of crimes drastically has been increased .Why people committed crimes, is another topic to discus. But shall we let the criminals be free and no punishment on them? Shall we live in darkness and let our society fall?

In fact no offence but China has the highest nmber of capitl punishment and my country Iran as I love this country so much ,but due to changing the government 35 years ago a lot of rues and regulations got more stirct in a matter of punishment for exemple.Iran has pretty high number of corporal and capital punishment.In SOme countries and espcially in Amercia ,they may never use this method anymore ,as they claim this is the life god gave to you and you are the only ne to be in charge and responisble of what you do.and just to be punished by law is maximum life imprisonment.We see rare number of death penalty in West more than Islamic countries in Asia or Middle East though.

In fact to punish the criminals and eliminate the crimes are our duties. Every one is responsible for what he does, but if it comes back to the society’s responsibilities, then it effects on everyone else.

The point is there should a proper punishment, but obviously not death penalty for all type of crimes.
Sometimes crimes are severe and need to be distinguished from the others specifically. If a criminal has been sentenced to death, it is better to reconsider the judgment ,because it ends an innocent life.

Anti-capital punishment organizations have been established a few decades ago to protect the human rights. In a lot of societies majorities are against capital punishment .They claim we can’t end someone’s life so easily and hastily and make a proper judgment .On the other hand they say you can make a good example by executing someone and expect others get a good lesson.

A lot of liberal-minded people say that is horrifying to observe, hanging and electric chair are different type of barbarous actions and brutal. More over it brings failure to social justice rather than a great success.

On the other hand, a lot of cases show a big number of criminals who have been imprisoned for years, get released and then commit another crime. Such cases can divide a nation.

To sump up, the death penalty is good to bring a justice to innocents and criminals and reduce severe crimes.

Childhood is certainly not the happiest time of your life:

We spend part of our adult life thinking about how easy it used to be being a child. We had complicated life, with little or no responsibilities and the freedom to play and relax all day long. Being a child is the most beautiful part of our life in some points.

Some say, maybe childhood is fairly happy time but not certainly as the age comes, you get more knowledge and information and we reach to the highest point in our life.

It is all about the time you pass through and some people have incredibly perfect memories from past and some not.
Some people say: Better to call not perfect memories but even nt reallygood ones I believe are good enough to look back and remeember them ,cause it was a period of our life which is over and we can't go back.

It is obvious when you are a kid don’t know that much about future and you are so fragile. Parents always tell you what to do and what not to do and you have be an obedient child.

There are some contradictories ideas as some they say your childhood pass with so much freedom and no responsibilities and some say you are a follower .Even though I must confess that sometimes I am dozing the past time of my life and some periods I would love to be able to go back and relive my memories.

I made a survey in my class and asked my students who are mid and late 20's,which ages you think is the best age to be?
You knwo what was the answer?.The maority mentioned they loved to be 5 to 10 as this period of life is so colorful and you can do what you want to do, just play and no reponsibilities and freedom of talk and even though as no body blame you harshly for what you say or think is right or wrong and count on you as a kid.

As the matter of fact ,being alone and make your own decisions make you strong and build your confidence and self-confidence.
On the other hands there are a lot of kid’s grow up in a strict families but when they are grown up are really innovative and turn into scientist and researchers.
Finally ,we can’t say exactly which period of our life is the best and happiest time ,could be any period of life and it is depend on what we do and how make and build life and our perspective towards life.


the impact of interent in our daily life

There is a big influence of technology in our life .This impact has started from last century and it has gotten bigger and bigger.

Have you never though how we could possibly live without tele-communication devices ,Internet ,Computers and so on?

Internet, telecommunication and multimedia have a great impact on our daily life. There are many advantages to using internet.Comparing 2 generations back or even one give us a better view of life and what changes have happened in our life.

In the 1900s people used to live in a different way and most of the jobs demanded physical power. There were relatively more labor jobs than now. At the end of the twentieth century computers became commonplace and many things changed.
Nowadays most companies require their employees to have specific knowledge related to computers and software programming. In different fields and majors you need to know at least the basics of using a computer. Computers have become indispensible to our society and our life.

Nowadays if you are a woman and have responsibilities at home but worry about work time or a manager who doesn’t want to be in the office for the whole day, using internet becomes a priority. Another example: finding a job online, posting your resume and sending in your application.

Looking for the latest information has changed as well. Just 20 years ago you had to go through magazines, books and newspapers, consuming a lot of time. Now everything becomes available to you in a very short time.
Studying online is another great advantage of using internet. You don’t need to waste your time in traffic jams and consume energy commuting every day: the information and knowledge is available on the internet.

You don’t need to be in your office for 8 hours, as it is possible do your work at home through internet. A lot of advertisement has been made according to internet and a lot of jobs has been developed and expanded due to computer and net works.
Additionally, most of seminars and conferences hold on Net and a lot of social activist do their job through net. Emails and letters and faxes go through net so fast, and all of these are part of our lives in 21 century.
A lot of software costs a lot if you want to buy the original ones, but through online shopping everything is cheap and you can download pile of information and programmers.

There are negative aspects to using the net. For instance: Opening some programs and some sites which might have negative aspects on children...
Internet make some people a little lazy and isolated from society .As they just sit and work at home and not be sociable.More over a lot of spam and junks and pops- up unwanted apear in or mail box and have to be very wise not to open them and spend some time to get rid of them.

To be critical sometime as an adult is incredibly hard to distinguish between right and wrong data and information which come from different sites and author’s .These all can have a great influence on people.
Despite all of these, we can’t ignore the advantage of using internet and the changes in our daily life.

Are there too many advertisments on T.V

We are living in a society full of advertisements and commercials. Basically everyday new products hit the markets. A lot of companies are desperately looking for new potential customers and feeding their rich, old and bossy clients.

They are trying to figure out how to win this competition in a very brutal, competitive environment. It is crucial and unavoidable, because life is changing too rapidly and is too fast-pace. But are all these advertisements necessary or too much? The question is how much is a lot and how much is too much.

According to new research a lot of TV-channels are looking for a way to add more advertisement to fill the poor quality of their programmers. It is considered how much could help them to develop their reputation by adding the number of visitors.
Most of the big companies are sponsoring a lot of T.V channels. They have already captured the society’s desire by manipulating the market and overwhelming it.

For instance, you are watching a TV series, but while you are watching it almost every ten minutes pops-up shows up and BANG!
Another tangible example, in 1980’s companies would think how to make advertisement and think about the importance of using it. Now, however, many in society are thinking about how to get rid of them, because they have saturated the market and some of them are really poisonous. A lot of youngsters even can’t distinguish between an adequate advertisement and bad ones.
We can also go through internet and see how much people have been distracted. Their email boxes are full of spam and junk mails.

To sum up, the importance of advertisement should not be ignored, as it has made a big contribution to our society and business. It has influenced the development and quality of products, aids many customers and helps running business. Stock markets and international trade would not have developed as much without it. On the other hand, that also means they would not have suffered as much as they have lately.