Sunday, June 7, 2009

Childhood is certainly not the happiest time of your life:

We spend part of our adult life thinking about how easy it used to be being a child. We had complicated life, with little or no responsibilities and the freedom to play and relax all day long. Being a child is the most beautiful part of our life in some points.

Some say, maybe childhood is fairly happy time but not certainly as the age comes, you get more knowledge and information and we reach to the highest point in our life.

It is all about the time you pass through and some people have incredibly perfect memories from past and some not.
Some people say: Better to call not perfect memories but even nt reallygood ones I believe are good enough to look back and remeember them ,cause it was a period of our life which is over and we can't go back.

It is obvious when you are a kid don’t know that much about future and you are so fragile. Parents always tell you what to do and what not to do and you have be an obedient child.

There are some contradictories ideas as some they say your childhood pass with so much freedom and no responsibilities and some say you are a follower .Even though I must confess that sometimes I am dozing the past time of my life and some periods I would love to be able to go back and relive my memories.

I made a survey in my class and asked my students who are mid and late 20's,which ages you think is the best age to be?
You knwo what was the answer?.The maority mentioned they loved to be 5 to 10 as this period of life is so colorful and you can do what you want to do, just play and no reponsibilities and freedom of talk and even though as no body blame you harshly for what you say or think is right or wrong and count on you as a kid.

As the matter of fact ,being alone and make your own decisions make you strong and build your confidence and self-confidence.
On the other hands there are a lot of kid’s grow up in a strict families but when they are grown up are really innovative and turn into scientist and researchers.
Finally ,we can’t say exactly which period of our life is the best and happiest time ,could be any period of life and it is depend on what we do and how make and build life and our perspective towards life.


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