Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wed March 17

Wednesday March 17, 2010:

Few days ago, we received news from management that they are organizing a short trip to one of the mountains around Xian. I and Wijbren have already discovered 2 famous mountains around Xian, but apparently we have missed this.Actually weather is nowadays getting warm and balmy which is too soon for summer, and is too scorching for spring.Yesterday temperature was 15 and today has reached up to 25.I am hopping it drops again, at least for a month or more.

I am looking forward to next weekend rummaging through pebbles and rubbles up there with a Chinese group.Having an over night sleep up there might be a great adventure.
This weekend, Wijbren started with planning to go to the silk market and made his mind eventually to find a proper Chinese tailor to make some Silk shirt for himself. In fact, he has started with one shirt to see the result.
We are planning to make some coats done, as the prices are reasonable.

Tuesday March 9

Tuesday March 9, 2010;
Today I have a day off and I was planning for weekend from now what to cook and organize the stuff which is needed to be done.Wijbren is good at cooking and loves it, further more.
It is good to have a partner like that. We had a great weekend with my potato salad and his spicy, stir fried, fresh vegetable dishes plus noodles and eggs which I call it a success.
I am planning we get some fresh fish, vegetables from the market as in this season is the best before it gets too warm for sea food, and let Wijbren explore and develop his cooking talent.
Finding good seafood restaurant here is a challenge, more importantly it is too expensive. We do love eating more than enough sea food and they are full of phospor, which is food for brain, as we do study nowadays a lot.

Sunday April 4

Sunday, April 04, 2010:

Today is Easter and presumably we should have some chocolates and colored eggs.
I am not Christians and Wijbren is not too religious either, but I do love to put our differences in cultural, traditional activities and ceremonies together; as firstly make us feel more homes, secondly make us closer and more respectful to eahother, and thirdly it is partly fun, and has a great time with family.

Anyhow, I still have our colored eggs from Noruz but today must buy some Chocolates and possibly make some spring pancakes which originally in Iran we make just basic pancakes.
In fact, with a bit creativity you can have your own recipe am going this time to have banana and pineapple pancakes with honey dressing or cheese dressing in some basics.
These days due to spring I have been super active cooking some kuku( Iranian vegetables pancakes) and making batter and nice filling for side dishes…..

Sat March 13

Saturday, March 13, 2010:

Yesterday was another day for Wijbren to glitter his talent in cooking.We do love sea food; moreover I appreciate our local market close by.I have always been wondering that oe day we go there instead of passing all the time in big luxury department stores and chain supermarkets.
Anyhow, my facial expression and my Chinese plus my appreance helped us without being ripped off get a nice fresh fish, but the point is here traditionally the fish monger molested him fish in front of your eyes. You must have devil heart or a total nerd not to feel anything.
I knew, it is going to blast when Wijb see that scene.
As a matter of fact, he slammed the fish harshly on the floor and still breathing cut its stomach and in mean time the poor creature was maneuvering in his hand took out its guts and released him from life.

Well, the fish dish was perfectly done and luckily we didn’t have any night mare, at least not me!

March 4, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010:

Today is the last day of this working week and I desperately looking forward to the weekend.
Last night when we slept as usual time, this morning I could hardly managed to get out of bed at nine in the morning, which was so rare to believe.

I have been studying 2 languages and keep up my teaching plans at the same time moreover, in meantime my body is trying to adjust after jet lag to the time and work load.
I have strong tendency, which keep me aware that I am losing weight, already!.It is possibly Chinese tea and hot waters.
Today my students cheered me up as they were working so hard for the topic. This week we talk about movies and cinema, but unfortunately we discover cinemas are incredibly expensive in China, especially for studnets.Thye can’t afford it or they don’t have time to breathe infect.
Moreover most of them, going for Romantic movies and just few possibly choose comedies or documentary. If you ask them describe a Chinese movie then it goes unconsciously through old, classic style of love stories.
No offence, I was reading news in The Guardian and I have notices this year they have asked for more Romance Novels to be published as the common costumers are sweeping all the Romantic Novels, despite rubbish and dirty cities, poverty conquer and jobless are struggling in New Delhi.
I think it is partly cultural thing.

Friday march 6

Saturday March 6, 2010:

Today is our first weekend after coming back to the routine work.I had plan to send few wedding pictures home, after getting them ready from photo shop; I went to our regular flitty, crappy, small post office, which beside the University.Whenever I go there I get upset the rest of the day.This time, I had to make a couple of ugly facial expression, as I was so irritated by that illiterate woman sitting behind the post counter.

I have had to ask for envelope and with no reason wait for a while and then she wanted her money back horridly and I told her wait till I am done and I pay with stamp and weight my envelope and then she couldn’t understand my Country’s name as usual (I spoke in Chinese ,Obviously).

Anyhow, their service is too slow; furthermore I had to be there twice this time for letters and pictures to send them to my family as we are not connected via Emails, unfortunately.

Friday March 5

Friday March 5, 2010:
Yesterday we decided to go to the regular restaurant in our street and ordered the whole Fried fish dish which is precisely well done and mouth- watering.

We had noticed during the week that the young waitress had been changed .To me was common thing as it happened here more often, but after Wijbren’s discovery and investigation with the owner, who is his beloved friend, the case showed up those 2 poor girls are only12-13 years old.

Apparently instead of being at school left home and school and they claimed their parents had no charm and willing to keep them anymore and education is waste of time!

When ever these kind of sceneries pops-up, more often in small towns, close to countryside, particulary in Western part of China, brings me so much sympathy and grieve for some young nation. The ones, grows still fast compare to other countries and being so far from modern civilization, though.

Friday April 2

Friday April 2, 2010:

Today is Sizdah-bedar.Well in Persian language we call it like that, which means 13 days after Noruz(Iranian New Year) is another celebration.
What do we do is very simple and nice.

We should get out house and go to the nature and send our lovely Sprouts, have made for new year into a running water. It is believed that "Joy" and "Laughter" clean the mind from all evil thoughts, and the picnic is usually a festive or happy event. In day like this we are not supposed to work or deal with any other official,finanacial assesses. Some people also pull practical jokes and tell white lies on this day, calling it the thirteenth lie (this is very similar to April Fools). People will also release goldfish into a pond or river.
This is an evil day which ,we take it easy and just have fun with family member .
tradition on the Sizdah Bedar, is the knotting of blades of grass by unmarried girls in hope of finding a good companion at these kind of celebrations. The other family members may also meet the others at the festival and find possible candidates for their unmarried daughters, as well as sons, and to make arrangements for their proper introduction. The knotting of the grass represents love and the bond between a man and a woman.
The point is I couldn’t do it for few years in China,as I was alone and finding a proper place is pain in butt,but thnis year I married and I could knot the grass!...

Touching someone else's sabzeh on this thirteenth day or bringing it home, therefore, is considered to be bad omen, and may invite other peoples' pain and hardship to one.

The most important thing is, it is supposed to be a nice day and the time before we put sprout into water we make wishes for health and blessing till next year.

The interesting part this year was, I did with Wijbren.

Well, as a matter of fact, in China literally we can’t find running water in the city districts. It not like Tehran, at least each park you hang find some water like small stream, or water fall or what so ever.

We have found a river (in fact most Chinese cities have rivers, but hardly pass through the city!) and then we made our wishes.
We could be in park and spend the whole day as Wijbren had classes to teach and our regular shopping day was next.