Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wed March 17

Wednesday March 17, 2010:

Few days ago, we received news from management that they are organizing a short trip to one of the mountains around Xian. I and Wijbren have already discovered 2 famous mountains around Xian, but apparently we have missed this.Actually weather is nowadays getting warm and balmy which is too soon for summer, and is too scorching for spring.Yesterday temperature was 15 and today has reached up to 25.I am hopping it drops again, at least for a month or more.

I am looking forward to next weekend rummaging through pebbles and rubbles up there with a Chinese group.Having an over night sleep up there might be a great adventure.
This weekend, Wijbren started with planning to go to the silk market and made his mind eventually to find a proper Chinese tailor to make some Silk shirt for himself. In fact, he has started with one shirt to see the result.
We are planning to make some coats done, as the prices are reasonable.

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