Wednesday, July 14, 2010

March 4, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010:

Today is the last day of this working week and I desperately looking forward to the weekend.
Last night when we slept as usual time, this morning I could hardly managed to get out of bed at nine in the morning, which was so rare to believe.

I have been studying 2 languages and keep up my teaching plans at the same time moreover, in meantime my body is trying to adjust after jet lag to the time and work load.
I have strong tendency, which keep me aware that I am losing weight, already!.It is possibly Chinese tea and hot waters.
Today my students cheered me up as they were working so hard for the topic. This week we talk about movies and cinema, but unfortunately we discover cinemas are incredibly expensive in China, especially for studnets.Thye can’t afford it or they don’t have time to breathe infect.
Moreover most of them, going for Romantic movies and just few possibly choose comedies or documentary. If you ask them describe a Chinese movie then it goes unconsciously through old, classic style of love stories.
No offence, I was reading news in The Guardian and I have notices this year they have asked for more Romance Novels to be published as the common costumers are sweeping all the Romantic Novels, despite rubbish and dirty cities, poverty conquer and jobless are struggling in New Delhi.
I think it is partly cultural thing.

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