Tuesday, June 23, 2009

what Haute Couture means?

What Haute couture means?
Haute culture club might be restricted and as many of fashion followers already know that Paris is the center of Fashion in the world, or more precise to say the capital of fashion world.
The world Haute couture it means be fashionable and modern and sophisticated. Since 1950’s which comes ,after second war for fashion industry was a great chance to boost up, and now it is booming.
But we see just 10 big branches can be called as Haute Culture in France. Recently despite the nationality 17 new designer joined the fashion couture in Paris to challenge their ability and creativity in fashion industry.
Haute couture give thriving life to a lot of artist and support not clothing but also other accessories in fashion industry as perfumes, shoes, bags, and catwalks show, which helps the talented artists to be seen by big fashion companies.
They organize 2 annual fashion show and t is just for women.