Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 15

Friday 15 January 2010;
Today was a total mess and I was incredibly busy as a bee.

In fact , recently, every couple of months ,so far I had to draw Euro from my account, because of our trips.
Personally, I don’t like going to banks particularly in China, stay there for official,beaucratic paper works, but sometimes is unavoidable, indeed.
This time, the story was about being there and after discovering they don’t have enough Euro to give me, which was so surprising, as it is my own money and if I need it ,I have to bark like a dog.
Further, as usual in China, they were insisting to exchange it to Chinese money.
Finally, I lost my temper ,in a sarcastic way ,in Chinese told them:” Am I seem to be a Chinese nation or what!>.I am telling you, I am going back to my country and need my bloody,fucking money.!”

Anyhow, I had to travel to 3 banks and from amount of I want ,could get 3 quarter and one quarter left. I gave up for now, but have decided ,luckily, after the trip and back to China close my Euro account for ever and some Euro, likely to have, keep them at home and me and Wijbren find an European bank to open a sharing account for our Chinese currency.

Anyhow, the story is not finished here. The second part of story was, to get to the main post office in the city,bacause ,apparently ,some other post offices don’t send parcels to out of the country, which took me another 2 hours on the scooter to get there and be back.

By the time ,I got there, they mistaken me with Chiense,and I said:” for god sake>!I want this parcel to get to Iran, transfer me to foreigner secessions”.

Sometiems,as a foreigner, who can speak and understand Chinese precisely and know enough about culture and how to react, finding to live here easily ,is pretty much a challenge.

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