Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 4

First day of last week of work, news:

Yesterday, Monday after a long day of having exam session with students and some shopping in the time, I was slouching on the sofa and watching my favorite T.V programme, which is called” Daily show”, I received a phone from our head office that apparently the new version of contract is ready mad we need to sign.

In fact, the bureaucracy is unbelievably ragging around, in all Chinese offices and choking people to death.
No exaggeration, but after 2 weeks of sending documents and preparations, they just asked us again to sign some more paper sheets and I had to emphasize that we are getting ran out of time and need our “Chinese residence permit” as soon as possible, before Winter holiday.
Further more, getting back to the point, when we were passing through the path to the office, we noticed a sharp high pitch bird sound.

Well, one of our fatty, local, , monster spoiled cats was smart and fast enough to clutch and grip a poor song bird and by the time we were passing, it had already broken his neck and was trying to suffocating him smoothly and gently.

Hogged! So brutal, but it is part of the nature rules. You catch and you have been catch.
Ah! I still think of that poor bird.

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