Saturday, January 23, 2010

October 9th, 2009

October 9, Firday,

After receiving surprising news 2 days ago that our classes start from Saturday; I have had 2 more day to mess around and do more Chinese and Dutch study and play my favorite Fatal Game a bit more.

It has been 2 days so far that the weather has got chilly and everyday is getting worse and it a warning of winter is coming soon.
It is good that we didn’t have to work this day and stay at home and relaxed but so far tomorrow morning after 3 weeks is hard to get up early and go to the school, while wijb will be in bed for another two hours to rest. He starts work abit later, some days.

Anyhow as we go out just for food in the rainy days, today we passed by of some shops and most people were just sitting there smoking or playing mahjong(Chinese chess) ,and gossiping possibly . Shop keepers seem to be happy to open their shops for random customers even during the national holiday and just sit and stare at rain and chat inside, possibly it is kind of relaxation in Chinese concept of life.

As a matter of the fact, today the streets despite of heavy rain were so vivid and city’s atmosphere was so hustle and bustle, as schools, universities and some other Governmental jobs reopen again.

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