Saturday, January 23, 2010

October 17th, 2009

October17, Saturday:

These days me and Wijb are quite busy, sweeping all kinds big malls for some fall shopping. Sounds a big hectic and ridiculous, but in fact the reality is, shopping clothes or others are a bit different some how difficult in China.

The fact is for me I can find easily all kind of clothes and dresses and even trousers, as I have lost some weights and I am fit, but generally speaking, shopping for all foreigners is hell here. Why?

Well, the first problem is our body size and type is different from Chinese.
Chinese women have no hips, short and too thin, resembling wall, which I presumably can say as a woman is not very sexy and attractive to men.

Chinese men are short and if somebody is a bit tall is chubby too, which means sizes here are not genuine international size at all. Even if, you get a size on something next time that size on that piece of cloth might not be the exact and fixed size, which means you can’t trust on sizes here, indeed.

Secondly, if you are tall here means you need to be fat too! It is outrageous, isn’t it?

Well wijb specifically has so many problems.

Firstly he doesn’t like shopping clothes as so many men in the world. Secondly he is 2 meters and for Chinese means like Giraffe. We hardly can find anything for him to wear. Thirdly he is too picky, and choosy and not impulsive buyer and likely happen not to buy anything at all even if it is his size though.

I am not to be critical and cynic at all, but it is a hard job as his girlfriend to handle all these and spend more time for him rather than for myself to get something new and nice and reasonable .The good part is at least he respect my choose and trust my fashion instinctive we are lucky to find something for him, in the end.

The fascinating part is that he always wants to see me so nice and elegance, and I am wondering sometimes he wants to show off by showing me outside or what, which is a slightly annoying but nice though.

Last time we went to Europe, was summer time; so I could push him to buy some stuff, but literally means nothing, because now we have autumn and winter forthcoming. I do like see him nice and sleek.

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