Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday November 1, 2009:

Sunday November 1, 2009:
What do I think about modern, over educated women and their personal life?

I was reading an article which was about how elite women decide to resign from their even upscale, ideal jobs due to taking care of their kids.

I am still not a parent, as for me and my partner Wijb can have plenty of time to spend on each other, doing our hobbies and work as well.

In fact our jobs, as a teacher at university is pretty light job, occupied us for couple of hours per week. I call it “our lucky time of our life”. I know it won’t be for ever like this I don’t want it at least for him.

In fact, I think instead of he stays at home and play computer games and does his other hobbies, which I respect and support him for now, he can have a full time job and financially keep us more secure for unknown far future, although we are happy now and have enough to save then.

Anyhow, to be an educated, independent woman, sometimes I think deeply about whenever having a child and doubly I might not be able to do both tasks very well.

It is an instinct, platonic love toward kids and family which grows in a certain time of motherhood, presumably.

In order to take care of baby well which obviously consume couple of first years full attention from mum, rather than having a babysitter, not spending enough time for kid and family, or not having time to cook properly, no decent food, not be able to have a fun conversation on the phone and at the same time change baby’s nappies or do something’s else at the same time, cause not having enough time for anything, and just get microwave, warm up dishes which tastes cranky.

I don’t want to exaggerate the situation, but that’s what I have seen and what for years my mum did, unfortunately.

I am trying to do in different way for my kid and try to escape form that guilt of my conscious mind of missing work as I have done it for years.

On the other hand we have a kind of guilt of not working outside.
If we do it feel it what I am raised for, studied hard even till now, and get a good ,respected position and why one day I should let it go, for what and in which price?
Is it that we want?!

Almost 2 decades ago not all women needed to work and men were just only breadwinner of the family. I don’t know, but maybe they were happy too.

Nowadays after financial crises and then the recession time; so many women are going back to work dn thry to squeeze their time between loads of long work hours and having child care system and basically half of their salary goes to the pocket of child care companies.

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