Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Brief about my trip in 2008 to Bali Island

Ater I passsed almost 3 weeks in Malaysia I moved to Bali.
I was in Bali island last winter February and it was terrific ,beside the horrible ,long flight everything went great and I received a great motivation for my paintings .

Bali is called the center of paradise,heart of the earth and it is called with different artistic names.they are plenty of artist who live and work there and some of make a magnificent ,remarkable society.

It is not expensive to get some art there and places full of oil ,water color,wood and metal art everywhere.
Majorities are Buddhist and some are Muslim and the rest are Hindu.

Bali is small, just 140 Km by 80 Km and lies between Java, the most highly populated and influential of all the islands, and Lombok, one of the quieter and moderately slower paced islands. Like many islands, Bali has developed a world of its own. It not only captures what is special about Indonesia but also has a uniqueness of its own.

When I arrived there I have got a 7-day tourist visa on arrival and then on the way out of airport received so much information and tourist agencies with broken English to help me and give me some catalogues of island and places to go.

I suggest if anyone want to visit should got there between March -October ,before seasonal rainfall.

In the North part of Island are 2 active Volcanoes which are worth visiting .There is a big ,gigantic area covered under rice ,beside that Bali grows coffees well.I have tried it and not too bad,but don't compare with Brizilian or Cuban coffee.

In fact in my tour day towards North we stoped in quite few places we saw a small water fall and we passed from small villages which grow rice and Paddy fields and small art shops ,painting ,calligraphy and wood art are pretty famous in Bali and some of artists are so talented and you can find unique things there.

There is special ceremony and tradition which almost overarming follow by mot locals in Bali ,as they burn some herbs and flowers and put them into a leaf and with some piece of fruits and leave it in front of their door gate .I was wondering why in pavements should be these rubbish ,but later I realized this is respect to Buddha in fact and part of their pray.

Ihad a day tour to Nusa Dua which is a terrific place to go if you like to go for scuba Diving and actually Bali has so any places on the North which you can go for Diving and snorkeling.

Part of Bali where they have paddy fields which are unique as well ,due to being in hills and terraced shapes.

Nusa dua ,my painting.
Nusa dua is exclusive,tranquil and incredibly amazing white and clear water, if you have a chance to be there

Kuta beach is located in South West part of Bali,which attract a lot of tourist there and especially great for Surfing ,cause has great waves every few minutes,but there water unfortunately less attractive for swimming due to so much rubbish there.

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