Sunday, July 19, 2009

Our summer trip to Beijing and Mongolia,seond part

Tuesday was nice tough we planed to go to Great Wall and for me was the first time after Being in Beijing for couple of times and every time being kind of busy with business things to sort out.

We got the tour from our hostel to the Great Wall. There are different parts of Great Wall which are available for tourist to visit and hag around and we chose the one without shopping and more hiking. It was around 30 towers we had to pass and some parts were pretty steep in fact.

The Great Wall of China, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was enlisted in the World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching approximately 8,851.8 kilometers (5,500 miles) from east to west of China. With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections of the great wall are now in ruins or even entirely disappeared. However, it is still one of the most appealing attractions all around the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historical significance.

The most beautiful of several legends is about the collapse of a section of the Great Wall caused by Meng Jiangnu, who cried bitterly over the death of her husband in the construction of the Great Wall. This legend has been spread widely through textbooks, folk songs and traditional operas. It is well-known in China.
That day was one of the hottest day as I could feel ,sharp sun and blue sky which hardly can find in Beijing .
We started our trip in the pretty early morning around 6.30 and it took 3 hours to reach there. It was such a trip to another city in fact.

Anyhow we were 2 tourist buses from our hostel around 26 people. The our guide recommend s to get the cable car for the starting and pass 3 towers to reach the fourth one, but as me and Wijbren were so determine and self-confident we started climbing and meanwhile some of those street sellers hooked on us for instance to sell a small bottle of water for 5 RMB and so on. .It was not too bad cause we could practice ort Chinese a bit though.

It took us 4 hours climbing and it was tough some part even for me, as I am good mountain climber .we had our sandwiches and we ended up our trip around 2 in the afternoon and we both were the first couple who arrived down which was amazing ,cause every one else.The interesting part is we had to wait for 20 minutes for just another couple to show up and just say:”sorry”. Well basically they knew what time we were supposed to leave but beautiful scenery stopped them from moving.

By the time we reached to our hostel was almost 6int he afternoon but it was such a great time though.

We went on Wednesday to the Jin Shen Park this park is located on the North part of Forbidden city and it is 50 meter higher than other parts of the city.

Jingshan Park, the highest point in Beijing City was built in 1179 during the Jin Dynasty and has a history of more than 800 years. This Park is located directly to the north of the Forbidden City's Shenwu Gate. Visitors will discover that Beihai Park is located directly to the west of Jingshan Park.

”Jinshan” means” longevity hill”.It was named after, Forbidden city was built for the emperor and it is kind of keeping the bad spirits away from the palace in fact.

If you get there you can have a great bird’s-eye-view of the entire city. You can se the whole forbidden city in the South and Beihai park on the West and Drum Tower and bell Tower on the East part. the day w were there ,we had been showered by rain the entire time we stayed and nice breeze was bringing the fragrance of flowers around which was tremendously memorable.

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