Tuesday, September 29, 2009

First day of break ,Monday, September 20:

First day of break ,Monday, September 20:

The first day of our break from work goes not very well at least for me.
Sometimes things goes on the way totally illogical and unexpected.

As they called me from the deputy municipal of headquarter at university to say: ‘The classes might be shut down for a while and no one knows for how long due to sever fast spread of Swine flu”. It was a good news and bad at the same time.

Swine flu is spreading everywhere in campus, no surprised as the quality of classes and dorms are pretty low and in our teaching building is so filthy and damp no wonder the students get sick. No proper hygiene either. It is not too ghastly at least for now.

I am happy at least we seem to be fine till now.

I have received 4 phone calls and bombarded with emails to help those desperate to give the students lesson plans and home works. Mostly things are like that and possibly I might have make up classes later on.

I have spent almost 3 hours proper nice lesson plan for all levels, but they couldn’t get it so they come up with misunderstanding and something different and finally I discovered they wanted something to be published on the Net and then they couldn’t get it and what they exactly want and asked me make it easy in the way of putting numbers and steps for students.

Usually Chinese come like that, no offence to the Chinese who read this. I am not trying to rebuking them. But unclear mumble things, for instance: use words maybe and possibly ,and could you give some suggestions by bumbling words. All those crap words, and if you are bold to neglect them ,good for you, well done, otherwise, it goes on and on until you strangle yourself .Or maybe I am too scrupulous and diligent!
I have had so many people doing business here around me and as they claimed too, it is such a night mare understand what they want, cause they don’t know themselves exactly, like a vulnerable victim come close and….

It is not like Europe to have expectation of being professional and precise and meticulous. Things works in different way and you need to know it here.

Well god, that’s the beginning. Some people here have no apathy I wish I could be like that.!
I was kind of pissed of for couple of hours why it is the only one here me to do all work and others hang around.
Anyhow despite that today is a green day and a pleasant weather. I am going to enjoy the rest of the day.

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