Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wednesday February 17, 2010:

Wednesday February 17, 2010:

Tuesday, we got the train from Vienna to Prague. It was a long but exciting Journey, in fact.
We had to change train twice, our route passed from Slovakia to Czech Republic, but the point is my visa is Schegen visa type which means not valid in Solovekia.

Actually, they didn’t bother in any countries to check my visa, just check the global ticket and I had to pay 5 extra Euro for first class to pass thought the country, which means I could stay in that country for sometimes as then go over the boarder to Czech in fact.

Anyhow Wijbren was a bit worried about language, but we could find some tourist points and get tourist city card for metro and public transport as the one we got in Austria and Germany, but our Museum ticket was a bit expensive compare to the prices and value of currency in Eastern European countries, but we could use it for 4 days instead of 2 days and some places visit was free of charge.

We spent Tuesday night for going to the bars and tried Czech beer and hot wine, which are famous.
Wednesday, we got the tram towards city center and successfully visited Jewish area and temples around then we walked along the path with some towers cathedrals, churches, and bridges from 17-18th centuries. There are plenty of Art galleries and Museums in Prague and ambience is so alike Vienna, but in different characteristic way.

We have spent 8 hours walking through the entire city and National Museum in Prague is enormous and so good. It has a complete collection of fossils, birds, animals and reptiles for the whole pathology’s period, in fact.

I wanted to see Art-decorative museum as well, and that was not bad at all. We discovered the history of clocks and how it enter to the Europe and apparently Czech has a great reputation of making hot glasses and does have so much variety of them; in a very artistic style.
As a matter of fact, Pantomime or Black Theater is kind of special in Prague as well.

Actually, I must say puppets are totally well-known here as much as Vienna and we went to a puppet show in Vienna and here we saw almost the same quality of show and puppets. Wijbren was convinced not to buy puppets for now; we are moving and not settle down somewhere.

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