Sunday, August 1, 2010

March 10, 2010

Wednesday March 10, 2010:

It was another active week-day for me.I do really enjoy having some of my students, for instance, my Wednesday classes go really well.I must confess the second class students are a bit lame and slouching into their seats, as Architectures are just god at drawing.
As a matter of fact, I am proud that I could increase their motivation,, even though switch the topics according to their major as much as possible.

Today I could make them active by role playing and organizing an opening of an art gallery. They had to right down the entire activities and scheduliing, prepartions and act out in the class.It did work well!

For some other classes, even I have noticed they love acting and role plays so I have expanded the topics and activities, which were for instance, recite a short story according to few pictures and act out.

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