Thursday, June 4, 2009

Our engagement and my brithday at the same time

Our engagement and my birthday:

As I knew In my birthday something some thing coming up I was so excited and I could presume in fact what I am going to receive from my boyfriend.
In fact I should confess we had a great time.
Three days off ,be lazy and decided to go to Korean restaurant which we both fancy about Korean food.

In fact as we both are so alike in everything we always know when we are too happy something coming up as he proposed me and gave me the ring and we were eating I was sad cause this stupid conversation always come up and Wijbren is not happy in China anymore, and Neither I am.

Anyway it was destiny we met 9 months ago and our future somehow has changed from the time we met.

I have always thought I am so considerable and sensible person as the realty come and things happened. Any how. he has changed his mind from few month ago to go back to Europe and I admire him and I accepted it in fact.

We both would like to have a better life as we are both have high education and nothing more than teaching at university might happen to us which is not enough at all.

He wants to work on his field as journalist and I do want to go back to fashion industry .
The problem is as I am holding Iran passport can’t join him and go to Europe easily .I have told him we get married and I wait here and work and pass the process of permanent visa, but he is too worried of losing time and chances to go back to his career and want to fly as soon as possible.

I am thinking his is worried and nervous for marriage too. Sometimes I feel men can’t get it the time that they should.
I will do compromise anything which is necessary but don’t do hasty things which make our situation harder and drift apart.
Well our conversation didn’t reach to any point as none of our conversation do, and no result at the end.
I hope things change during our long trip to Iran and Holland and things get easier.

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