Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Our street and local news

Our street and local news:

Everyday we have kind of different adventure in our old, oriental district in Xian. Sometimes some people neither see small things nor pay attention or care about them, but me and Wijb both are a bit different with some others.

Yesterday we went or lunch out as usual and in our street we have couple of restaurants which are quite nice and food is cheap and variety of Chinese dishes which I love.

Any way we were in and it was totally packed as it was peak time and we were lucky got a table. We have some lovely kittens around .Me and Wijbren both love animals and want to have one day dogs or kittens ,hopefully. Whenever I see them start patting and stroking them on its head and they on my lap especially the cute ones .
This time we tried to let them sneaking around and smoothly drop off some chunk of left over for them to nibble, but suddenly the owner showed up like guardian of hell and smacked and whacked the poor kitten on her back harshly then throw it out of the restaurant.

In fact I know why!. Wijbren was astonished and wanted to complain that what poor cat had done.

I kept him quiet and told him some costumers don’t like cats ,strolling around and passing zig zag way between their legs and with their innocent look stare at them and beg for food pleasantly. The bitter reality is in China at least as far as I know, people don’t like pets as ,cats and dogs so much. In fact in this city as the culture is a bit mixed with middle East, India and Xinxiang( as Turks, Mongols and other minorities and tribes live here) people are much warm hearted and we could find a lot of pet shops and almost every single family has a dog or puppy. I know in some Eastern part of CHINA AND PARTICULARY IN Guangdong province they eat dogs, cats, donkey meat.

When I was in Hangzhou we had a Donkey restaurant which one of my students invited me there nad I hardly could eat the donkeys’ organs!

Anyhow we found out the cat found a lovely place on the top of a small tree and start her daily ,summer nap under lovely shrubs on a big branch there and Wijbren as concern every simple things, especially about animals, which shows his light ,warm heart towards things, mentioned he was worried and wondering if she would slumps while asleeping wouldn’t be so nice though.

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