Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Monday November 17,

Monday November 17,

Recently, I am tackling a book written by Neil Germen’s. Actually I am not familiar with this writer and I was searching for some nice readable Novels or short stories then out of blue, I stumble in front of his name and searched for more information.

In fact, I chose one of his fition,crime novels which I scalled “Neverwhere”as brief telling story life of common man who lives in London and has an expensive fiancée and a nice apartment and routine dull job, like so many of us!

This story goes so far and has a deep describing society and life style of street people, warriors, crimnals and who ever lives in street and underground in a cover of a fantasy, mystrious tale.

Anyhow, finding a bleeding, half conscious girl on the pavement of one of London’s undergrounds, but ridiculously he finds out his life has totally changed or better to say upside down as nobody knows him anymore.
He loses his girlfriend and his apartment has been sold, or rented to somebody else in mean time helping that girl whom asked him and him reluctantly accepted makes things so much complicated and turn to a super natural phenomenon in fact.

The story goes so nicely and eye –catching and heart touching, some parts are really spine- chilling, and story in a mysterious way describe the London’s underground life style and back streets in a murky way.

It is a great mystery, fantasy novel and well written I couldn’t put it down till I finished it.

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