Sunday, May 24, 2009

Our trip to Tai Bai Shan,winter 2009

There are two mountain ranges around Xian which both of them are around 2 hours by bus far from Xian , the same distance in 2 different directions.

We decided in one of our short holidays or better to say our long weekends (3 days off) go there.
We found out there is a main bus station beside train station located in the center of city and by taxi takes 15 minutes to get there.

We( me and wijbren) were so panic and wanted to be punctual in matter of not losing the bus ,so we woke up early and arrived there 7:30 ,as one of the locals suggested. Well as things works like that in China, we had to wait there for another hour till bus arrive to the station and enough passengers then get ready to go.

Well ,somehow we managed to start our trip 8.30ish and it took approximately 2 hours we arrived to the bottom of the mountain. All the way we passed from farm fields and fruit trees. Actually around Xian is pretty green.
The way coming to Xian we were sitting on the train and had plenty of chances to look around and from 3 hours before then arriving to Xian districts we saw so many fields, paddies and cultivated areas.

As I have been to so many mountains in China I knew how it works and I told Wijbren don’t worry we have to climb from bottom to top, as there are stairs always to climb up.

In China mountains are not just like Iran’s mountains which definitely need equipments and tools to climb up .In fact at least after 500 meter high ,if you are not a regular climber or not having proper equipments and boot not good enough you won’t be able to climb.
But surprisingly we discovered that it is 45 Km zigzag way.

Which means at least one day completely walking ,more than 12 hours. Sound terrifying. Well they has some taxis waiting for costumers as hunting fish .I tried to ignore them and deal with entrance get and pay the entrance fee ,but finally we had to get taxi up to be able to reach to the top .

I have been to Mogshan Mountain, Tian mu Mountain and Yellow mountain. In China and all the way we could climb on foot or use cable car and as a record I should mention this Mountain was different.

Anyway ,By taxi it took 4 hours to reach up and some people get car sick the mid-way cause is so high and all the way is spiral and rocky and pretty shit in winter.

As this mountain is called Tai Bai Shan, which means” white snowy mountain” ,you can imagine from 1500 meter up we could still see snow on the way up and it was April already.
The way top we stopped few laces and we took some nice photos and on the last station taxi waited for us for 2 hours and we managed to climb a bit on 3700 meters height which was nice though ,but some part was unfortunately really slippery ,due to un melted snow and icy in fact and too dangerous to walk even one by one step.

Any how we had some snacks and asked the taxi drop us some where we could get some food. In fact in this mountain there is no restaurant or any other places to get even water, so you should be equipped completely.

We had a plan to stay there overnight ,so we asked for a room form the only restaurant ,hostel place ,better call it local lodge. But it was just few smelly small rooms and a shitty noodle restaurant in 2000 meter high.
They wanted to charge us a 150 Kuai per night ,so we decided we go back in the after noon and get a room on the bottom and the next day we could go for hot spring and climb a bit around.

Actually there were some places before the gate you could climb a bit and see some temples on the top of 500 meter.
And in the afternoon we got the only bus which, usually gets back to Xian around 3ish in the afternoon.

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