Sunday, May 24, 2009

Xian museum and Small Pagoda

We ( me and Wijbren ) have been to Xian around 3 months already. During the May holiday and mostly in our weekends we arrange to have a tour around the city, as Xian is one of the oldest capitals in china.

On day we decided to go and visit Small goose pagoda. In fact there are 2 Pagodas in Xian ,Big and Small one. It is around 2 kilometers far from center of city.

This pagoda as other Pagodas is a symbol of peace and dignity in Xian .In fact it was built on 15 storeys in Tang Dynasty but due to an earthquake in 1556 ,2 floors were collapsed .It has a brick ,pentagon shape structure.
It was hard to climb up as too many people at the same time are trying to reach to the top and you have pass though a narrow dark tunnel, but the eye-birds view was totally amazing.

Inside the Pagoda the area which is around 5000 meters,as you can see so many silk shops, painting, calligraphy and Chinese paper cutting .

Moreover there are few places you can sit by side of bamboo trees and have your tea ,in fact there is no tea houses there,which I wish there were some.

Actually Wijbren was trying to find something for his Mum there, and I was looking and chatting and basically mumbling Some Chinese words to the shopekeeper inorder to get some discounts.

A lot of Chinese have this habit to boost you and in fact praise you and say “oh! Your Chinese is so good”. Well it is part of their culture, as they usually ask you we you are from and what you do in China and so on…

On the West part of building you can visit the Xian Archeological Museum which has 2 floors and has 2 exhibition halls which shows the history of the city and how it built and shows the city wall and other surrounding areas which grew during the time and the basement( first floor)shows the treasure and underground treasures.

I ALWAYS HATE BEING SO LONG IN Museums and in fact always be curious to get in and see what is inside.

In fact that day was like a short ,nice tour .It is good sometimes being far from other responsibilities and hang around and see somehistorical,cultural places and have a nice picnic.

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