Monday, August 31, 2009

Chinese food affect in my health and our trip to Shanghai

Today was one of those horrible days for me. I have hardly ever had, serious problems with food and stomach ache, but I think after living with Wijb for a year his stomach weakness transfer to me as well. Well beside kidding ,the problem is Chinese food.

I have been living in China for over than 5 years. I remember the first couple of month while I was teaching IN Chinese schools in Wenzhou, I had 2 colleagues from Canada and every other day they were running to the hospital.

I have had some minor problems with stomach once arriving to China.
Anyhow after Wijb got better from last night till now, over 24 hours I am spinning around with pain and simply I don’t know what has happened.

The reality is that is easy to get sick cause the dish are not that much hygiene in fact.
Well beside that has happened to me we are hopefully heading to Shanghai, after waiting for more than a week to get an appointment with Iran consulate in Shanghai as who are in charge of my case are back from summer vacation.
I wish I had a job like that.!

Anyhow ,I am hopping after spending so much money on the phone calling ,stress out and troubling my parents mentally plus ,consuming so much time for documents to get ready and post them to China ,with this one could be the last paper ,which we need for our marriage in Holland .
Well this is just the first step ,if we go through Iranian marriage law to get a certificate from embassy ,then we need to get some more stuff around. I am hopping things will be done be the end of Jan-Feb. next year..
Although with all these ,I am lucky that my job at University starts next week and hopefully by that time we will have done these paper works.

Then we will be back from trip ,we are planning to look for a scooter ( Wijb loves it)and get a few more things for our new apartment, after wards I must confess I will be too tired after 3 months vacation to go back to work.!
Wijb will have another 2 weeks off ,but this term I have more classes than him, no complain anyhow It is fine schedule.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Learning Dutch and my progess

Today I was in a refreshing mood .It’s been almost 20 days we are back home .I have decided seriously to study Dutch. I don’t when exactly we will be able to live in Holland ,but for sure it will happen. Wijbren has difficulties to get a job outside of the country due to the recruitment agency requires applicants to be inside the country and available for interview anytime.

When it comes to languages I can speak Persian and English as native level and my native language helps me to understand a bit Turkish and Arabic. I learned English when I was so little and the root of indo European languages are so similar.

I know a bit French and it was hard in grammar ,but now Dutch seems to be easy after knowing English well, cause the root of all European languages are the same. Even though I have no chances to speak Dutch here .Although I have a Dutch boyfriend, but we speak fluently English and it is much easier to communicate ,moreover I am not in Dutch environment yet.
So today I was amazed that after spending only one hour after 2 days not touching books I could remember and red and write a bit Dutch. I am so happy with my fast progress,even so I am not practicing speaking nor being in Dutch environment.

The fact is when it comes to Chinese language ,it becomes a night mare. I have been living here for 5 years and I can understand what they say and can read and write a good enough ,but it is freaking hard this language.

Learning the characters are night mare and each single character comes with another one and the combination make totally another meaning. when it goes to intermediate and upper levels, you need to distinguish what exactly people mean not just knowing single character is enough. We can’t watch Chinese movies cause there is no subtitle and if it has if there is a new character there is no way to read it and you are lost.

Other languages like Persian( indo European language) or Latin ( German, other European languages) whenever you learn the alphabet and pronunciation at least you read and easier you find out the meaning comparing to English or any other languages you know.

Game time and secret movie shot taken from me

Anyhow after coming back from Holland Wijb has changed a bit for good sake.I am happy about it. Cause I feel now he can distinguish between proper thing and right time doing them.
Wijb always like playing Ps2 games and it is understandable in a certain level. but sometimes as woman It works on my nerves .We have other things to do and so many plans for future and could be extra work for instance


Anyhow back to the point ,he said one day:” I reached a milestone in my nerdiness yesterday when I finally finished downloading the PS2 game 'SSX 3'. For the past couple of months I've scoured the internet for people's opinions on what the best games for the console are and subsequently downloaded those games if there were enough people sharing those opinions.:
But now what is happening is I am getting addicted. Luckily I can control myself ,during these 2 weeks back to the routine life I was playing hard and meanwhile I was studying my Chinese and Dutch.
I have learner from childhood never loose chances and never let it go as time flies. I know sometimes I am hard to Wijb but it is for us and future though.
In fact today when I was enjoying my favorite “underground 2”which is a racing games and hot and deep inside it. He took a creepy movie of my action which I found it nice and we all laughed about it I would like share it with other friends.

Our friendly surrounding

Our friendly surrounding:

It’s been almost a week by now ,living in this neighborhood .Wijbren adore it. With no exception he finds some excuses to get out of home ,for instance:in order to get some breakfast or what ,then he jumps out for a walk every morning .

Most evenings, we stroll under the shade of trees, under heavy shrubs listening to crackers and grasshoppers singing to find mates, or hop to our small playground. Adapting yourself with a new place and surrounding is another compromising with nature which make life much easier and more colorful.

This morning I woke up with children noises and scream.
First I taught something is wrong ,but then realized that playground in front of us, is specialized for kid’s and this morning I saw parents are running on the track. There are plenty of swings, slides and other toys for kid’s.

Our friendly surrounding:

As we are living in China we are familiar with small parks or any small wood area, which government sets some public exercise- tools for retired people or anyone has time to spend outside in the day time and does some free exercise. In fact our small playground is not an exception at all.
Even everything is close by we are thinking to buy a scooter, for our own sake to make our life more colorful.

These days are hectic. First of all we got disappointed from my consulate in order to get some documents and transfer to embassy which we need for marriage process and nobody basically is back to work to answer us.

Corruption is something which is needed to be consider .In a lot of societies exist ,but in my country more obvious and tangible. They don’t work and with stupid excuses throw the customer form one office to another .

For instance with my simple certification which basically my passport needed to be certified that I live in China which I need to Dutch marriage in Holland .

For our marriage documents I need to go to consulate and then pay and send my personal information to embassy to do their job which means 4 times traveling, meanwhile I have high responsibility in my current job and distance here is like traveling between countries in Europe.

Then it comes to our crappy schedule for this semester at university which we need to handle.

Sometimes I think I need to inspire to myself to be more canny and shrewd, how that works when the massive milestones in life in a period of time stumble and you need to throw them away otherwise you will be eaten by harsh nature and society. the anxiety that appears is hard to handle sometimes and I feel I am lost. Now I Am gutted but try to heal as we need to keep our love and happiness in China to survive .

Moreover Wijb is thinking to get extra part time job for couple of hours at EF in Xian which I am encouraging him .which make him busy rather than rest of day time play with ps2 games and we can save more money if we need to move on to Europe one day.
Now we are waiting to get our schedule and then organize our daily life for fall 2009 here.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Our New Place

It has already been two weeks by now, that we are back home. The first week was pretty tough cause we had a severe jet lag and we couldn’t do that much .In fact the weather and food and everything was annoying back home.

The only thing on those couple of days were nice to see ,the first was our old restaurant which the owner treat us in special way and we practice our Chinese somehow the second was our old bakery which produce special home-made bread and we missed it.

I had chances to install the proxy and edit my blog stories and moreover review my Chinese stuff and finish some English novels, contact friends on Facebook, but now I am abandoned for couple of days till have access to net again.

Anyhow we tried to contact people from university to move on to a new place. Last Wednesday eventually we got the key for our new apartment .

it took 2 and half days to move. God I can’t imagine how much bulky ,crap thing I have gathered.

I got rid of some worn out, bulky clothes and more than 3 boxes of shoes and clothes left behind which hopefully will be used by some poor people who are we always seeking and hanging around garbage boxes to find something to eat. If that works I will be rather not to have shit around me and others use them.

We are totally happy these few days to be in this new place. We are on the third floor .This place is smaller and cozier.

Basically we can say much more homely.

This city has so much pollution but when you are not living in high buildings, then you have some advantages as: receiving a better water supply,I mean the pressure of water is much better, and more over, using the stairs instead of lift, even so it seems annoying ,but if the lift is full of people and every single time and you have to wait more than 5 minutes ,especially in rush hour ,to be able to get into the lift then ,you wish you had never had any lift.

This city is located on the North West of China on the line of using heating system for winter, as winters have a bad reputation of cold weather, having cheap heating system is another precious thing.

Electricity in this country is so expensive and not doable for everything. A lot of houses use solar system and gas which is much cheaper.

We have a nice lovely living room and one bed room with a great balcony and nice wooden furniture which make life easier as well.

We are going to add some stuff to add some decoration and buy more plants as well.

The only thing which is annoying here is internet connection which we use kind of proxy to be able to use some sites which are blocked in China but this place ,using very low speed, crowded network, which I am hoping soon be back to internet access.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Back to China

Back to China

On Sunday 9th August, we flew back to China .Our flight was surprisingly pretty luxury as Wijb didn’t have a seat ,due to over booked economy seats and the boarding gate luckily gave him a seat on the first class and I was lucky too to move there and we had a great time with first class back home!.

These couple of days back home was pretty annoying and boring as we still have jet lag. We couldn’t sleep over 48 hours properly and food and weather sleeping time are in a chaos.
Anyhow we are coming back to normal situation and keeping busy with movies and I have started my readings in English and Chinese and the new thing is I have decided to study Dutch smoothly and slowly mean while, so quite busy these days.


I am hopping my friends and whom read my blog be pleased with ew update stuff.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Mongolia July 2009,second part:

When we got our tour for Grassland ,we were about 6 people and were supposed to get a car with the guide. It took 2 hours to get there. It was such a spiral

way and bumps on the road anyhow with listening to Mongolian music and some Chinese with us practicing their English for free as usual, which is not a big surprise we arrived. It was a nice impression to see grassland but such a pity to see how they want to treat you ,cause you are a foreigner.

The food was quite basic and economical and we slept in a Mongolian tent(yurt) which was made from concert and hard ,but the same shape of traditional one.
The next day we paid for 2 hours horse riding which was good and nice to have some horse riding. In fact Mongolian horses are short and me and Wijbren had

imported European horse other wise for Wijb would be such a pain in butt to sit in a horse which his feet would drag on the floor, longer than horse's leg .!

Anyhow we walked along a small lake and saw the wrestling and racing match which was nice. After 2 days we backed and the following day a bit rest and hag around the city and then went to desert tour which was 4 hours far from Hohhot and quite far in fact .

The area was quite small and it was nice to see real desert but riding on camels for 2 hours and some areas were so steep and we both were scared to fall from camels and all 2 by 2 camels hooked on each other ,with one guide in front. To me horse riding was much doable than camels, they were a bit nasty and slow.. but I could managed to take some nice photos on the camels. One time camel was scared and I was close to fall…
I can cope wth camel riding bt to be hoenst is not my favourite things to do and wijbren's face was so pssy and full of anger casue he didn't have ny proper saddle just siting on bundle of blankets.

We had 4 tents and when we arrived to oasis settled our camp there and we had another Dutch boy and 2 Korean girls and a Spanish guy. Our driver was a bit crazy and had 2 big bottle of Baizhou( Chinese wine) which taste terrible.

We had to company those crazy guys and drank the whole 2 bottles and some beer which was not what we wanted. At least on grassland we had nice Austrian and German couples and better company at night for barbecue ,but anyhow it passed and we had to listen to stupid ,charming conversation of those 2 girls and guys ,crush on each other and were drunk and in the morning were all of them pissed…anyhow the way back we waited and a big German truck came to pick us and took us back to base camp out of the desert and then the way back to Hohhot…

Trip to Mongolia July 2009

Located at the center part of northern China, it was inhabited by Eeduosi people 20,000 years ago. With a long history, it was called Inner-Mongolia for the first time in the Qing Dynasty.

Beautiful and abundant in resources, Inner-Mongolia is a province with the wildest longitudes in China and its special location dictates the abundance and variety of its tourism resources. With grassland scenes and folk custom as its two major tourism resources, Inner-Mongolia has such natural scenes as vast grasslands, deserts, forests, and lakes.

After staying in Beijing for a week then we got our first class train ticket to Mongolia,lets correct it inner mongolia,which the capital is hohhot.......

Our hostel was nice but the impression from the city was terrible as the train station was so dirty and filty better to say...after 22 hours on the train our guide from hostel took us to our hostel and we rested the first day and hang around the area and we found out quite few nice muslem restaurants with Kababa dishes.

This pagoda is quite unique in Mongolia. The style is from Indian Buddhism. Although it is called the "1000-Buddha Pagoda", there are actually some 1563 carvings of Buddha on its exterior walls. Inside the Pagoda there is, sadly, nothing at all - it was all stripped-out and destroyed in the Cultural Revolution. However, the empty interior has been used to display an ancient stone-carved Mongolian Map of the Cosmos - on Buddhist principles. Another copy of it is outside, set in the walls of the Pagoda grounds.

Inner Mongolia's dairy products include cheese, milk curd, salty milk tea, and fermented horse milk, all of which are acquired tastes. Those who visit yurts (Mongolian tents) in the grassland (see last paragraph) will probably be offered fermented horse milk, which is supposed to drive away cold and invigorate circulation, although it has been known to bring on headaches in a few people!

Then what we did on the first day was visiting five temple pagoda which is located on the East side of the city.This pagoda is quite unique in Mongolia. The style is from Indian Buddhism. Although it is called the "1000-Buddha Pagoda", there are actually some 1563 carvings of Buddha on its exterior walls. Inside the Pagoda there is, sadly, nothing at all - it was all stripped-out and destroyed in the Cultural Revolution.
the empty interior has been used to display an ancient stone-carved Mongolian Map of the Cosmos - on Buddhist principles. Another copy of it is outside, set in the walls of the Pagoda grounds.
basically Hohhot is like other cities in China with cleaner and fresher air infact.
We decided to get 2 tours to got to grassland and sleep there overnight and another tour to desert,Gobi desert and stay in oasis for one night and practic our camel and horse riding which was a great experience in fact.

Friday, August 7, 2009

the last 2 days in Holland

These are last few days left in Holland and I am a bit sad.

Well describing the feeling is hard ,Wijbren's parents are really nice and we are both having great time here,but always whenver you are happy you have to leave soon.This is life ,can't stop the good or bad time.

Me and Wijb both had great summer we had so much tension before what to do ,what is the best ,getting visa for Europe ,thinking about Marriage,other things for future..
we passed from Xian and visiting some nice places around Xian and then Beijing 2 times and especially for Wijbren was great to be in Beijing before leaving China and seeing bBeijing after Olympic 2009 ,and all changes was a great choice and then Mongolia as Wijbren never been to Tibet and was not so suitbale because of tension go there and I spent 1 month there .
so we were happy but the time pass all good memories stay in mind which is the good part of travelling and being in Holland and Germany and changes in matter of atmosphere,people,food was a great all together.
But now we need to focus on our unfinshed plans and back to our city in China and possibly back to Beijing to sort out and finish hopefully our business with embassies.\
I can't say after5 years I miss China or I feel home but anyhow everyplace has its good and bad things.
I hope we can manage to come back and one day live in Europe which in so many ways have less tension and streesand it is good for my future art and our both jobs.
Anyhow we planed the last day of week go to Giethorn which is located in the
borader of Friseland and other Dutch provinces in Holland.
This city calls "venice of the North" and all is because of having so many canals and houses built on the water.
But you could see bangalows or 2 floors houses not more and with small yard full of flowers and nice decorations,which were really eye-catching.
something which is obvious in Holland is bicycle. Many of 15 million Dutch own a bicycle.In small,flat country without any far distances,the bicycle is the ideal form of transport.
Since the 13th century windmills were used in the Netherlands,around the 17th century there were more than 10,000 windmills.
in any towns and small or big cities you still can find some wooden nice windmills,but mostly these types are left behind and new wind power energy they used is with modern wind mills which are like skyckrapers.
Anyhow that small town had its own special beuty with canals and woden boats all over,full of tourists hanging around the cafes' and we were walking all around the town and got a tour boat for almost an hour passing though the canals ,and reached to a handmade lake which was just 80 centimeters deep and safe enough for everybody to swim there.
In fact we saw so many kid's and couples playing in the water ,sun bathing,boating,fishing, and even one floating restaurant which was a brainy idea to sell some drink and ice creams in the middle of lake.
It was a great experience to be there and sit on the boat floting in the water....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Trip to Amsterdam,

Yesterday the whole family decided to have a day trip to Amsterdam.
When we arrived there was almost 12.30 p.m and after having a drink in a cafe ,me and Wijbren and parents got seperated .

We walked about an hour around the center of city and found a tourist information and got our day boat ticket around the Amsterdam.

As Amsterdam is so famous for its canals,it was a great idea in fact.Amsterdam is the capital of the city and its a meeting point of cultures.

Legends say Amsterdam was founded by two fisherman after they landedon the banks of the Amstel river.

Towards the end of 16th century merchants from Antwerp moved to Amsterdam and its became ofr a short period the biggest and one of the richest town.

Noth sea canal was dug in 1876 and connects the port of Amsterdam with North sea.this canal gave the dutch economy a big boost.

in the center of city we saw the Dam which is really the heart of the the place where celebration,festivals and mourns happend.and there you can find national monument which was erected in 1956 to commemorate the people who died in World War 2.

there is another place you pass by boat tour which is central station was designed in 1889 by architect Cuypers,the same person who designed the Rijksmuseum.Both building are significant resemblance.

the city is famous for its canalsand it calls as Venice of the north because of 90 cannals and more than 1000 bridges.
Visitors can see so many magnificents houses built by the side of canals,which the their prices are enormousely high.

There are couple of nice Musums to see ,as State museum ,Van Gogh museum,Maritime Museum and Historical museum.

The state museum which we went in yesterday was 4 floors and full of master piees from Van Gogh,Rambrandt,Johannes Vermeer,Jan steen.
The Rijksmuseum(national) is one of the reasons that I visit Amsterdam frequently. Currently the gallery is undergoing restoration so only a small taster of the collection is on display.
They were renovating the mseum,and we had to stand on a long line ,but the entrace ticket and all standing worth it!.

You could see the master piece from the most famous Dutch artists.There is a art with Dollhouses which was amazing how to make and creat the whole Doll houses with all equipments.

City of flowers, is anoher name ofr Amsterdam.There is a seasonal festival from April till May ,a place close by Amsterdam which calls Aalsmeer,where youc an see different flowers flourishing.

At the beginning of singel you encounter the catboat.there are 80 cats living on this boat,which is amazing.
The Stopera is abuilding you will find on Waterloo Square.It houses both the town hall and the music theatre,and was built in 1986.

Opposite of central station,on the conrner of Geldersekade and prins hendrikkade stands the old Schreierstroen. The tower dates back to the Middle ages.The tower is known for the tower of tears. as this was the place where old days the wives and sweethearts of the sailors used to wave goodbye to thier loved ones.

The light district is a well known area for tourists which shows prostitutes are waiting behind the red light for the clients. it is an international area in this city.

There are Spies which we can see the houses have mirrors which stand on the outsides of house.A person who sits in the living room can see who rings the bell.

Well after visiting all this and city hall we dropped somehwere to have some food and all the way back home with parents.It was such a good atmosphere and feeling to be one day in the capital anyhow.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Trip to Holland ,Forth part

Trip to Holland….

Today Sunday, we decided to be active again and Wijb's Dad come up with nice idea that we can see flower festival.
In fact I had an idea that Holland should have a Flower festival someday as this country produce flower and export. Anyhow we couldn’t find the flower festival but we went by car to couple of towns and cities.

The first stop was Hoorn which is located in North of Holland in fact Hallum the place that we are located is in Friesland which has totally different language with Dutch and these people are the race of Frisians who came long time ago from Finland and Sweden to the North East part of Holland.

The Netherland has 12 provinces and leeuwarden is the capital of Friesland.

The Hoorn is in another side of lake and the country bridge connect the North east ( Friesland) to the North part of Holland and other part of the country.

We had a nice sight seeing there and then we moved toward Volendam city ,that is another costal city near the lake and sea. As you could see so many tourist hanging around souvenir shops there ,but we could find a nice fish snack shop and got to row fish sandwich one salmon and another eel- fish which were totally mouth- watering.
After staying there for a short time and sitting in a nice café’ watching tourists and taking some photos from the ships we moved to another city Marken.

Finally we end up to our village and back home. I think I have seen most towns and cities in Friseland and North part of Holland and now my adventures goes toward the capital and center of the country. I can say as we passed by train from Holland to the South East to Germany ,the whole country is full of fields and small villages and towns and in South and center turn to bigger cities.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Trip to Holland third part

Trip to Holland third part:
Monday was a quite nice day Wijbren needed to sort out some documents ,so we decided to go to Groningen which was around one and half hour far from Hallum and we got to Leeuwarden and from there got the train to Groningen.

We passed couple of times from Leeuwarden these days as it is a transferring city and basically is a big town with enough facilities. The city was so much for Wijb as he spent almost 9 years of study there. He showed me his university and we hang around the city for a while.

As usual I took some photos from boats which I love their style and harbor. we went to municipal office and I faced with a long queue as We face in Asia, but luckily very organized.

We were looking for a hair dresser that,I wanted to high -light my air but finally dyed it with anther type of brown color and quite nice amount of Euro.
These days in Europe I try not to think and convert currency ,just in case of not making my life miserable. Wijb found his old comic book hop and gave me the whole story of old times and it was such a freaky place to work in.
Well no misunderstanding it was quite big and full of books ,but like a haunted house and in some part was dark enough to crawl and find your way out of books, so many books, comics features and different crap around .

We got some small shopping and tried to find reasonable sale shops .It took another 2 hours to get train back and then bus to the countryside. Wijb wanted to call his Dad to come and pick up us on the train station but I told him is not necessary and but good enough.

Calling from public phones are pretty hard as coins sometimes don’t work and most people use mobile and our mobile doesn’t work in Europe and no credit card.
I was trying to use the toilet on train station and toilet just use the mobile to call and pay the amount of money was so weird that one.
Anyhow last night we were so tired and had to pack and get ready for Tuesday to get the train and go to Berlin.

Now I am sitting on the third train and see the sightseeing and hopefully be back home soon.

Our trip to Germany Third part

Trip to Berlin Third part:

On Thursday me and Wijbren decided to go to my embassy and ask some questions ,just to be sure about our documents. It was a kind of trip in fact .Taking the train to the Alexander and then long trip around one hour to the embassy, but beside the embassy was a big park, or I call it like forest park and we spent couple of minutes walking around ,in out skirt of city center.
the way back we stumble by the snack shop and got some stuff and observing other tourist which is sometimes quite fun though .

The rest of afternoon we decided as we were close to the Berlin Zoo ,go and see Zoo. It was really amazing Zoo. To be honest I had not seen such a big ,clean, green zoo before. The tour guide told us t s one of the best in the world and I must confess it took 4 hours walking and such a great relaxing place though. Beside the zoo was a huge park and a river pass by which tourists boats were hanging there.

Berlin’s Siegessäule - Victory Column - is another of Berlin’s monuments that has reinvented itself through the ages - from symbol of Prussian military victory in the 19th century to that of Berlin’s thriving gay community and favourite tourist spot today

There were so many specious from different part of globe ,the number of birds were so amazing ,majority from Africa and Australia, lamas and camels were part of other interesting animals to see.

It was around 4 in the afternoon we gave up and got out to eat something and back t our neighborhood. Friday quite slow as we were so tired and rest and got sandwiches to get ready for our journey the way back to Holland.

Our trip to Germany

Trip to Berlin second part:

Berlin has quite few places to see ,but in my view one day tour is enough .Some people got 2 days tour and some got Boat trip tour, but in fact I preferred scenic spot in the city in fact.
That is pity nothing that much left from Berlin wall ,just around 2,3 Meters and on the street you can see the sign of the wall everywhere in fact which kind of make this city different with the other cities.

Meanwhile we were on tour we passed by couple of Famous embassies as USA embassy and government building .In fact the classical style of embassies and parliament center was quite eye-catching.

There is a T.V tower near the Alexander square which has a rotating fantastic restaurant on the top. That tower remind me Tehran(Iran) and T.V tower there basically was a copy of this one The guide mentioned that the lift on the tower is the fastest lift in the world.

Another place we passed by was Potsdam which is listed as the world heritage site by UN and it is no small wonder. Include statue and palace and water fountains

the city which was a bit intersting the gate calls” Brandenburger Tor” which symbolized the reunification of East and West Berlin after the fall of the wall.

There is another place which calls “Check point Charlie” where the Stasi and CIA SPIED ON EACHOTHERT AND HEROIC AND TRAGIC ESCAE ATTEMEPTS WERE MADE FROM..
Which is stand for American and Russian tank in 1961.

Meanwhile we were sitting on the bus we passed by a gate inside

Anyhow the are so many places to sit down and have a cup of tea or coffee and some ice- cream and chill out and we were looking for a ice ,reasonable restaurant and finally we got ne and some handy, souvenir shops and I got some post cards and so far changed my money and they back walking stopped on Alexander square and sat beside the fountain and enjoyed the sun shine.
As in Europe people love sitting under sun shine cause they don’t have that many sunny days, opposite of Asia ,as we get distance from sun.

In the evening we decided to drop off the one of local bar and get some German beer .
Around our neighborhood are plenty of bars with cozy, tranquil atmosphere for tired tourists to hang out and discover the local culture as well.


Our trip to Germany, August 2009

Trip to Berlin first part
On Tuesday me and Wijb decided to get the train and

hop on it and go to Berlin.
Life can be so easy and simple if you live in Europe and now I know it and it is so tangible for me. I can acknowledge why Wijbren is so impatient to move to Europe and leave Asia

Anyhow ,our trip started from Hallum the village he lives and we got a lift from his brother and he took us to Leeuwarden and then we got the train to another city on the the brother of the Northern province in Holland and switched it to another train which took us to the brother directly and the third train pass border to Germany.

Well from the time that Europe has European union system everything is so simple, The currency is the same and the same value .For instance if you want to buy something almost in West Europe cost the same.

In fact the salary and wages almost the same ,at least so people in West and center of Europe have no problem with exchanging money or spending for their holidays.

Moreover there is no need to have passport as they have just one ID card TO USE EVERYWHERE AND BANK SYSTEM ACCEPT DEBIT CARD PRETTY MUCH EASY IN ALL EU COUNTIRES.

Back to our trip when we arrived here, thanks to Wijb German knowledge we found our way not to hard to get into apartment.
We arrived to train station and it was 4 already and contact the owner of apartment which we rented for couple of days and in less than 2 hours we stumble there.
It is pretty nice apartment as I can say.

some of the spots which absorbs most visitors is:

The Berliner Dom (Berlin Cathedral), completed in 1905, is Berlin’s largest and most important Protestant church as well as the sepulchre of the Prussian Hohenzollern dynasty.

The Brandenburg Gate is one of Berlin’s most important monuments – a landmark and symbol all in one with over two hundred years of history. A former symbol of the divided city, it drew visitors who used to climb an observation platform in order to get a glimpse of the world behind the Iron Curtain, on the other side of the barren “death-strip” which separated east from west Berlin, geographically and politically.

Berlin’s Holocaust Memorial, located in Mitte on a stretch of the former “death strip”, where the Wall once stood near the Brandenburg Gate, is Berlin’s stunning monument to the Holocaust, dedicated to the Jewish victims of the Nazi genocide of World War II.

Berlin’s Siegessäule - Victory Column - is another of Berlin’s monuments that has reinvented itself through the ages - from symbol of Prussian military victory in the 19th century to that of Berlin’s thriving gay community and favourite tourist spot today.

Not that much view ,beside other ugly east German roofs ,you can see blue sky, but t is 100 meter far from underground and as soon as you get the underground in less than 3 station you reach to Alexander square which is ne of the biggest East Berlin square and around that square ,you can visit one of the oldest cathedral from 17 century ,Berlin Dom and old church on the other site and Berlin river which takes a lot of tourists boats and ferries every day along the river.

Thursday we were wondering around the square to find our way to reach to National Museum, old art Museum and I wanted to see 2 art museum old and Modern Art.
I know Wibren doest give a shit to the Art ,but I have studied art and I love it and now I am in Berlin, maybe not ne of the best cities for art compare to Italy( Roma) or London .

When we were discussing what to do, suddenly one of the local tour guide showed up and gave us the daily Berlin Tour which was so helpful and then we decide to pay 15 Euro and get the whole day city tour which was great and passed by every single of city and they described everywhere .

We dropped close to the Museums and spent couple of hours up and down in 3 floors and I could see Wijb dumb and emotionless face and tried to end up our visit as soon as possible.