Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 21, 2010

August 21, 2010±
My Nights’ life:

As these days I am stuck in Tehran and no ways to download the rest T.V series which I and Wijbren used to watch back in China, so far I have to live on what I do have left.
I am finished with Friday Nights and Breaking Bad which both were great stories, despite some facts that I am not fan of Breaking Bad T.V series, but in total I will follow those whenever can hook up with fast internet.
Anyhow, about The Wire the only T.V series left to see; I could say:

The Wire is one of those investigation’s stories, which happened in dark, gloomy part of a city in America where the population of blacks is approximately 60%.
An action, detective story is set on through few seasons, but the most eye- catching part is looking in a sarcastic way to the police department and put the entire system under a big question mark.

The story starts showing a gang of blacks who live on selling drugs and drug trafficking is a big chance in their lives in order to survive, from kids at young as age 10 are involved as small drug dealers up too women and basically the whole community there have to be somehow dealing with drugs. The thing which amazing in this programmed is the number of players are extravagantly enormous and the scenes that director has chosen are somehow limited but artistically designed to draw the attention in each separate episodes.
In each episode, expressing the police community, expanding in this issue and including each staff personal issues and work issues are tied upon the other hand, gangs in comparison to the deputy of police has a great, organized team. In fact there are two or three groups of drug dears and smugglers who are opponents and trying to keep their own corners in each part of the city and having a incompatible competition one against another.Even though will all this mess there is hardly clues for police to keep on and get to the top ones to cut their line permanently.

Actually, I do enjoy watching Wire and I do recommend it to who are loving detectives, action movies which are based on true storeis.Truly, there are couple of great actors in the movie which embellish it smoothly a deep you sited on the chair till end.

August 20, 2010

Experience of visiting a remote village, where you are simply not welcomed:

There are a lot of villages which are located in a remote areas totally isolated from cities. A lot of tourist assume that visiting villages specially he ones which are pure, is a great unmemorable experience, but in fact we shouldn’t be that much sure about it.

Honestly, I did love and went to so many villages in Europe and in China, Nepal and some other East Asian countries; it was not spectacular in some ways, but in my point of view, I did enjoy staying here and there shortly; as if to discover a bit more about their life style. To me I had never had chances to be close to nature by all means, living there permanently.
Anyhow, back to the story as I was saying, this village was located in South vest of China, somewhere that women traditionally never cut their hair. My first impression from there was great though, lovely nature so green and stream around and bamboos anywhere and everywhere, but the story didn’t end like this; when I was cycling through small path leading me towards wood, after a while I lost my way and tried to ask for help, people were hopelessly cold and indifferent and when I got into the stream and wanted to getting the boat to go to another path on the other side, I felt I am alone and they are interested in helping. Their dark look and peering at you and glaring is express of not happy to see a  stranger around.
Anyhow somehow I sorted out by cycling back and get the last crappy bus to get out of that place, because if it would have stayed at night, I am sure I couldn’t easily find a bed to sleep in or they would have ripped me off.

Monday, August 16, 2010

August 15, 2010

That’s something I would like to share here with you as a true story, happened to me while I was residing in China.
There are few places in each Chinese cities which considered as ``Walking street`` in local words and basically no vehicles is allowed to get in or out and bunch of tourists and locals every day or on occasions visit there.
There are plenty of local shops and souvenirs established and opened there, as China is a huge countries with 56 nationalities; you can imagine how many varieties of local goods might be able to find there.
Anyhow, in one of these places, I was strolling and not seriously looking for something to get. I passed by a craft shops and they had plenty of silk scarves there hanging in and out.
The guy instead on wearing and try them on. Anyhow I thought that might be a nice thing to get; as back home could be used.
As a matter of fact, I showed not that much eagerness with price or even quality whether you believe or not, conversation went on and eventually he dropped the price more than half and I walked away.
He came after me and way pleased with any price that I offer to get one. Finally, to my surprise after washing once the color run away and I understood even with pretty cheap price was not worth it.

August 16, 2010

These days’ competitions are pretty tense and high. There are so many people standing in a line to attend on TV shows in order to attend a soap-opera programmed or 20´s questions and some others, like American Idols and so on.
The point is, all these so far are partly for fun and amusement and partly is for gaining big sum of money, which is offered by companies, TV station and so on to promote their products in fact.
This kind of competition in our century is much more than before and one of the main reasons is advertisements. As we all are aware of influence of particularly TV and some other Media in our daily life; we do see the consequences of all these media are so vast and massive.
There are plenty of jobs are established according to advertisement, every year more effective and influence.
Anyhow, besides the important role of different type of media in different aspect of our lives, if we look back through the most advertisements we will notice, selling and interceding any kind of products, one reason is informing to the public and another is mainly in market to appear it, in a better appearance and compete one against another.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

August 12, 2010

The characteristic of the people in your society:

My country, Iran or as its old name ``Persia``, is well-know for its old, oriental over than 5000 years culture and history.
Obviously, in a country as old as mine, there is so money tribes and minorities live; therefore, there is so much influence on language, culture, and people’s characters.

The history of my country goes back to 6000 years before B.C, which that time few tribes from Southern part of Siberia moved down and beside Caspian-sea found a better place to live in. Some others pretty soon moved to the Southern and Eastern part of Persian land and were physically strong and good worriers, so eventually they built a strong and successful kingdom in Persia.

Iran, during centuries has always been under attack of its neighbors, such as Turks, Arabs and even Mongols tribes, partly by the end of 19th century and beginning 20th century from South part of Soviet Union worries were triggered and ambushed down to the frontier of Iran and conquers majority part of Caspian Sea on the North. All these tribes have made a great contribution on culture, and language and made other influences.

Besides all these wars, which if had happened in any countries would have effected on economy and culture and language deeply; we do have a lot of minorities such as: Kurdish, Turkish and Lori’s people who live vastly in all part of Iran and have their own rituals, ethics, and cultural/characteristic heritage.

Iranian race as known as Aryan race, who they do have Parsi as an official language, are people of wisdom and intelligent and hyper in emotions and feelings, which some called them, warm-hearted and extremely hospitable.
Culturally and naturally having a rich background, but as a matter of fact, politically and financially in every half century have had instability and crisis with different reasons.
Contrary to European or American the amount workload is less and people are not appreciating too much work. Moreover, a lot of people still live in big families and so many cases have been seen to send the elderly to nursing home, but still children care for parents. Marriages happen as Children wish, but still influence of parents’ advice and relatives has a great role.

To conclude is not so hard to distinguish a pure Aryan race with other ethnic groups, as they do have their own rituals and ceremonies and even their own language in the same country. Hospitality and warm social manners and intelligence are the most distinguish things to point out about Iranian or Persian.

August 10, 2010

The teachers or schools have affected on you:

In this generation, children from an early age are accustomed to be at per-school and then follow up school. So; schooling is a very sensitive job and great responsibility towards new generation. It was not used to be even 50 years ago, when kids wanted and could stay at home up to age seven.
A lot of psychologists and counselors are strongly in this believe that from earlier age, such as 4 or 5 year old, kids need to be in social contact, being with other kids and feel atmosphere more than home, in order to become strong and build their personalities; which shows how much the responsibility of teachers, day cares and even baby sitters important are.

In fact, after mothers, who always have had the first and a great role teaching and raising up the children; teachers are the second ones, even though in older ages could be the first person to refer to.
Some people would not understand the difference between a good teacher and just a person who gives some lessons to the students.
My point is, there is a big difference and a great importance of being just a teacher and academically be professional or being literally a caring-teacher. With do all respect, in some stages of life, such as primary ages, kids specifically do need a caring teacher with great personality, strong character, patient and emotionally supportive.
We do see in a such a sensitive age as teenage hood, there are always problems and if they do have a persons who can talk to with no hesitation and consult or even the time that there is no problem receive and follow behavior ,ideas of somebody as a teacher can make a great difference in their future life.

If we interview and ask a lot of successful and happy people in societies, they always say and have good memories from school time and at least from one or two teachers they have had, so far.

August 11, 2010

A person’s life can change overnight:

A lot of people may not believe in destiny or fate at all.
In a place I used to work till a month ago; at university in China, this topic was brought up a couple of times, as a general topic to break the ice in some conversation classes.

My students’ majorities were about 24-25 years old, but compare to western students, having had less life experiences. Anyhow, some of them who were more comfortable tot talk about their personal lives use to say in China we believe in so many rituals and a lot of older generations are strongly superstitious.

Some other would say, life is not that easy to get change easily. They said, they spent their childhood in a boring dull countryside, routine study life and did their best to get into university and now here they are. Even so, some wanted to think about further possibilities in their lives, but mostly would come up that’s the life no further hopes or even thought.
Some used to confess they must work hard to get a job and save money and hardly any unexpected events might turn over their lives in other direction.

Personally, that’s a reality of so many lives, but there is a tiny-tiny possibilities which a lot of people pass and don’t see through it very well.
When I look back and see my life, which was in Iran similar to Chinese life style in some points, even though I grew up in a very relaxed and high class family, but it did happen to me.
Around 15 years ago, I have got my first computer, in order to work on art and just liked it. In few years afterward, I connected to internet and it just happened once after deceiving an advice from an online friend how to find a way to look for some relevant sites in order to apply for a job in China.
Anyhow, it stretched for over years of my life working there and so much ups and downs and adventures and trips and my life totally changed, ended up meeting my husband from other side of the world, my career has changed, as well.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Saturday August 7,2010


When we are talking about European languages, means a category of at least 15 different languages, which are mostly spoken in EU nation.
Actually, there are some more tangible differences more than similarities, among Northern Europe, Southern and Easton part; however, almost all Europe’s languages come from Latin background, but for instance in North part and German area the routs are German- Celtic, and Celtic- English or Anglo-English.
Southern part Italian and Spanish have much more in common to present.unlike, Eastern Europe has got an old, distinguish heritage from Russian language which is totally different in alphabet and grammar with other Europe part, covering most Baltic nation and former Soviet Union countries.
But despite these differences, similarities are mostly in common of alphabet, pronunciations and basically the route is.
On the other hand, as it comes to Middle East, Central Asia and India, alphabet is the most enormous difference in compare with European languages. The system of writing is is from right to left, not left to right and obviously different structure of writing and pronunciation.

As if, we move forward toward East, for example: Chinese language, which is dominated in whole East Asian countries related to historical events and political aspects, is the hardest language in the world to learn.
In fact, they don’t even have alphabet and are all symbols are known as:``Characters``,which is growing according to your knowledge and leaning more the language, combination of characters, tunes and sounds make new words. As you learn more characters you will be able to read and realize more about language, which is totally different from Middle Easton or European languages.

You learn the alphabet and sounds In other languages, so then we have done half of the task cause you are able at least in a certain level, to read or write the language, even though sometimes can guess the words, as similarities appears.
As a matter of fact, Chinese or Japanese which has a heritance of Chinese route and even Korean are totally come from Mars.

Sunday August 8, 2010

We are living in 21st century, the time of development on summit, expansion in economy, industry, and globalization on the whole. What these definitions related are to success, might be a question.

Firstly, if we look through the history or human civilization, we get into this point that in each era of man kind, people, nations were looking for success for themselves and a better life for their families, but the main point is in century a matter of being successful was a bit different and obtain it was harder or easier, regarding to societies development, education, chances in life and facilities to gain at that time.

Moreover, for instance; at this century to be successful by all means, is a matter life or death for so many; cause of modernization, fast paced development and very sensitive- competitive society that we are hacking.

In fact, if we want to define ``success`` means to be on top and have a great satisfaction inside. How we can be successful and obtain it for some people is so essential and some other just catches it, easy as a pie.

To some, having a decent job and settled down, have a happy family is end of the case, but some other, who are not few at all, success means having a great stability in their finance, which can solve anything for them as they wish to have and desire to.
For instance, celebrities in any field, such as art, media, fashion, or any other filed; success has a totally weird definition.

Some people are naturally hyper active and have high goals in life, and got inherence of ambitions; so these people may not be easily stand in the position that they have in society, cause doesn’t last long for them.
They do love to be admired every now and then and be in public view and in one word to be famous, for their money, social status and their fame as well.

To sum up, being successful and how to obtain it and what the limitation and boarder of success is, all depend on each person how they think about their life and levels of satisfaction. Success is nothing more than be happy and enjoy of effort of doing for life and living in a good condition with less stress and safe.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

March 10, 2010

Wednesday March 10, 2010:

It was another active week-day for me.I do really enjoy having some of my students, for instance, my Wednesday classes go really well.I must confess the second class students are a bit lame and slouching into their seats, as Architectures are just god at drawing.
As a matter of fact, I am proud that I could increase their motivation,, even though switch the topics according to their major as much as possible.

Today I could make them active by role playing and organizing an opening of an art gallery. They had to right down the entire activities and scheduliing, prepartions and act out in the class.It did work well!

For some other classes, even I have noticed they love acting and role plays so I have expanded the topics and activities, which were for instance, recite a short story according to few pictures and act out.